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Now the truth about those not notified. - Positive

Posted: Mar 21, 2014

Just got an email that said I was put on a wait list.  I will know by close of day on Wednesday if I got a slot.  

nice to know! - anon

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Not everyone, I am still in the no notify zone. - Whatever. NM

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Is this true of just you, or does it apply to everyone not notified? - NM

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Nope Everyone is not on a wait list.... - Anon

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That is not the case with everyone not notified....I have a friend who contacted HR a few minutes ago to see if there was still a chance since she had not yet received a rejection email and the reply from HR was the rejection email....so apparently some are on a wait list and some are just sitting here waiting and still hoping because Mmodal just hasn't gotten around to letting them know anything....

I am neither waiting nor hoping. - anon

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I highly doubt anyone turns it down. Desperation will make even those who have doubts go for it anyway.

I have heard nothing and have better things to do than worry about it at this point.

Yes this is true of me too - anon

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Last night I wrote the person who sent out the information for the tests and very politely mentioned that I had noticed some people had received their rejection/acceptance notices but I hadn't received either and would be grateful for any information. As a response she sent me a rejection notice. So if you're looking for closure, you can always write to her and I'm sure they will be happy to "formally" reject the rest of you, LOL.

If it wasn't so sad and pathetic, it might be hilariously funny. No other company ON EARTH handles rejections this way. NONE.

As a side note, I accepted a position this morning with one of MModal's biggest competitors. Their careless decision not to notify most of us about the Coding program sealed that little deal for me and drew the line in the sand for me as an employee. I start the other company in 2 weeks. The best part? A 99% QA requirement AND quarterly bonus for both QA and production. No more RIDICULOUS unobtainable 99.7% requirement, or working for a company that requires more excellence of its employees than it does of its own self.

The bankruptcy issue was bad enough by itself but after this Coding fiasco something inside of me clicked. It's sort of like, the moment when you realize you're totally DONE with a bad relationship - absolutely nothing they ever do will ever make this right or fix all the things that are broken. That's where my mind is today. I'M DONE.

Good for you!!! - Anon

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I'm so happy for you and wish you much luck with your new company!! I know you must feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
I've had the same feeling all day. This is the last straw and it's time to walk away from this company! The stress is killing me and I've been depressed and anxious for months over this job. Even my husband told me this morning that he's tired of this and wants me to just quit even though things will be very tight until I find something else.
It's time to walk away...

Good for you. What company did you go with... - sm

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sounds good with the lower QA requirement and bonuses.
yeah im sure she is talking about Nuance - you couldnt pay me enough to work there
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oh the horror stories....
I worked at Nuance for 2 very horrible years - bubble burster
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I had 5 supervisors in that time frame and all but one of them were just awful. Ignore e-mails, rejected PTO, never approved for a single holiday off.

But that was nothing compared to the nightmare of FIESA. Those bonuses never happen. 99.7% QA score at MModal is 1000 times easier to achieve than a 99% at Nuance. They are BRUTAL.

I get 100% audits at MModal, at Nuance I was getting 97-98%. That should be a clue.

I know MModal is truly awful but Nuance, believe it or not, is actually worse. Although they are not Bankrupt so they have the advantage there.

Ditto. I REALLY hope she is not talking Nuance. - What a nightmare.
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Believe it or not, MModal is a better place than that hellhole. Been there, done that, and you'd have to pay me a CEO level salary to do it again.

Ha, I sent my resume out this morning too. - Rats fleeing the sinking ship. NM

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That's interesting... Care to share your score and tier level? - Still havent heard anything. NM

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Got the same thing too! - Anon

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I was wondering if the rejection letter said "waitlist" or if it was just plain rejection. At least we have SOME hope!

Rejection - Anon

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It didn't say anything about a wait list :(

Waiting list hoping someone turns down their - spot after orientation.

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You say someone - reject

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You may be number 10 on the wait list! Did they say you will be the first replacement?

So basically a backup stock of warm bodies - Typical MModal.

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