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At last!! Transcend tells the truth. - Resigning

Posted: Jun 01, 2010

Now we know how they feel about us with their new and exciting contest -  Biggest LOSER contest.  (Of course a correction was sent out so it now reads biggest producer, but the first e-mail tells it all.) This is another sucker game to try to get everyone to work longer and harder to make their horrible program sound like it works, but it that suxs no matter how you look at it.  Of course, we all know the winners before it even starts since there are a few low class trashy team leads who will cherry pick the system to death to get all the good jobs, and if not cherry pick, will manipulate it so those jobs come to them first. About 50% of the editing jobs are faster to do if you retype them because the editor is so bad.  You cannot use your own shortcuts that might be more efficient because the rules are set in stone for what you can use from BeyondTxt and M-Modal, and that will count against you.  QA will nitpick you to death over insignificant words like 'the' versus 'a', so you will never achieve the 3% QA rule.  

Then, of course, you have to have enough work to keep you busy, but since we have not had work for over a week since they lost our accounts and now we will only be able to do 5 jobs a day, we certainly will never qualify for as a high producer.   

And they will provide you with all the training you need - 30 minutes during the day shift even if you work 2nd or 3rd shift.  This will almost get you through the introduction of who is at the training class and that training only consists of someone reading the instructions to you.  Big deal.   But you will be paid $6.00 to attend, because they are so generous.  

But, don't forget - we are lucky to have jobs.  

Unemployment office here I come. 

Unemployment office? You do not plan to look for another job? - sm

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You plan to let unemployment checks take care of you? good luck with that! Sorry about your luck at Transcend but there plenty of other companies.

Unemployment Forever? - LinK

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I didn't read into the OP's message that she plans on staying on unemployment definitely. Sound like she just wants out of a bad situation. Do you know how hard it is to find a job? I was on unemployment for 2 months before I found another job. What was I supposed to do in the meantime, not seek unemployment and try to get by with no income? If she did mean she wasn't going to look for another job, then that's a different story.

Some of their MTs must be able to do it, so it must not be all that impossible - Just saying

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The picture you paint is of an impossible job being required of you. It may be a job that you don't want, but some are obviously doing it and happy to be doing it.

And yes, they probably believe that they are blessed to have jobs.

Good for you - kv

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I don't want to do this, but the first two comments under your posting -- I don't even know what to say. Perhaps they are visiting from a different planet. Anyone who has worked in this field knows what is going on, and some hang on and keep trying, but if you have reached your end, good, and I'm sorry it had to happen this way. Sorry for all of us. I keep saying this. It used to be a good profession. Now it's a joke, working for pennies. I had forgotten about cherry picking, but when I worked in house at the hospital it happened all the time. What I do remember, and it happens all the time, is that a certain few get their pick of work types and they know they will consistently get work on the same account and will be able to count on a paycheck. I wish you well.

i agree with kv - ihearya

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You don't know all of the ins and outs of how people are treated at Transcend unless you've been there. Transcend is practically forcing resignations left and right of anyone with any experience. I guess they want all newbies so they can work them for a lot less money out of Transcend's pockets. Make no mistake GREED is the culprit here. After years of employment at Transcend, the mentality from Transcend when you are practically forced to resign is don't let the door hit you in the ***.

the first 2 responses were horrible and rude - where is the empathy?

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I feel for you and those first 2 responses you received were very rude. This profession has gone down the tubes and the pay stinks practically everywhere. Find another job? There are plenty out there? Really? Have you tried looking for one lately? Pretty slim pickings and anymore 8 cpl is a good rate and almost obsolete.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune and I do hope you find a decent job! Good luck!

Just need to set one thing straight... - Anonymous Transcender

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In the past they have had a "Biggest Loser" event which was indeed a weight loss encouragement program. I expect somebody just made a typo when they sent out the "Biggest Producer Contest" announcement.

I use my own shortcuts all day and all night in BeyondTXT; in fact, they actually have training classes in using your expander, to learn to be more productive with it, so if somebody told you you can't use shortcuts, they told you wrong.

And even some of my worst ESL dictators are coming through just fine in the speech recognition, after only 2 months in the system. How bad can a system be if it can understand even Dr. MashedPotatoMouth?

Just asking.

I suspect your attempts to rally the troops is on deaf ears and blind eyes - Karma has come for Transcend apparently

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I think it's safe to say you can save your valiant attempts to rally the troops.

They're all too busy waving their white flags, in case you hadn't noticed.

What are they smoking at Transcend? - luvjcn

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What company offers a contest to be a top mass producer, yet doesn't supply enough work to make even half your lines for the day? I wake up to an empty work pool almost everyday and when you beg for additional accounts, they either ignore your request or tell you to flex your time because your accounts will get busy as the day goes on. You find yourself flexing so much that you don't even have a life anymore because you're constantly waiting around for a steady of supply of work all day. Can't remember the last time I have worked a normal shift. This has been the trend for several months now. And it's amazing how any work remaining in your pool suddenly vanishes around 10 o'clock every night and you're left with nothing to make your lines. You need to try to empathize and understand what the OP is saying instead of making assumptions. Everyone at Transcend isn't fortunate enough to have an abundance of daily work, decent platform, decent line rate and VR rate, wonderful TL, etc. So for a lot of us that have to suffer through this garbage on a daily basis, it's a kick in the gut for them to even be offering a contest like this now when everyone doesn't have a FAIR SHOT at it. A lot of us are full time making only part-time pay and unable to pay our bills anymore. And yes, if she's going through what I and many others are going through, she probably would make way more money on unemployment than being an employee there at the moment. And if you think it's so easy to just find another job (forget better job) in this economey, I guess you've been under a rock in the past couple of years. BTW, I am an 1-1/2 hours into my shift and still no work in my pool. Just another beautiful day at Transcend....

you know what the 10pm work vanishing act is, right? - anon

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all the bosses are going to bed and the work goes to what is, at that hour, the DAY shift in India.

feel for you all.

Please forgive the typos in post, got ahead of myself...nm - luvjcn

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Who cares about the typos? It was PERFECTION - Last line of your post said it ALL

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Forget the typos, the MESSAGE was perfection.

You sound really miserable - Please See Message

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My impression after reading what you've read is, you aren't going to be happy anywhere you work and you're going to take as many people with you on that trip as you can convince to go with you.

I don't know much about the company you work for, although I do know a couple of people who work or have worked there. Some liked it and some didn't. Of those who didn't, some had good reasons and the others are so obnoxious and miserable that no job will ever work for them. They will make any job miserable because they enjoy being miserable and making everyone else miserable along with them. It wouldn't matter if they switched jobs or even career fields. They are committed to being miserable, as you appear to be.

I'm just saying that if a person is determined to be miserable, it's going to happen for them. Misery loves company and always finds plenty of it, while others find what they love and are living happy lives in spite of the fact that life isn't perfect.

Nobody faults you for not liking a job, but there are better ways to handle it. You have already decided that everyone in MT is as unhappy as you are, and you are wrong, because for some reason you get pleasure out of complaining rather than doing something about it. That makes me think that it isn't the job that is the problem. That's just what it looks like from here.

Not sure who you're addressing but.... - luvjcn

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if you are addressing me with this "you get pleasure out of complaining rather than doing something about it", where did you get the idea that talking about this work situation is pleasurable or that nothing has been attempted to change the situation? I for one am not sitting around doing nothing about it. I am applying for other positions within the company and other places outside of the company and looking into changing careers altogether since this industry is going down the tubes at an alarming rate.

A job is a job. I don't look to a job to make me happy, maybe you do. I have other aspects of my life for that. I only look to the job to supply what I signed on for so I can take care of my family and if it cannot do that, it is up to me to do what I have to do and that's what I'm doing. I have no emotional attachment to any job. That's why I have no qualms about walking away from this job/company or career at anytime if the right opportunity comes along. Again, you're assuming that just because we're on here describing our INDIVIDUAL experiences that we're just "miserable people who love to complain" and we're doing nothing else about it. And I never stated that this was everyone's experience at Transcend. You're not there, so you have no clue what many of us are dealing with. So if you want to be close-minded and don't want to read or hear about bad experiences or struggles at Transcend, skip the posts, just that simple. Otherwise, please get your facts straight before you come on here generalizing.

This is not an argument, but please see message for more - Discussion

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Your message makes some really good points. My message above was addressed to people who really do love to be miserable and never take steps to fix it, and if they do, they tend to go through the same thing with every job they take.

Back to what you said though, and I agree with much of it. You made me think about things a different way. You look at your job as a job, and that's fine. You have no emotional attachment to it, and I don't fault you for that.

At the same time, the company, which may be a good or bad one and I have no opinion on it, looks on you as an MT. They have no emotional attachment to you. I don't even known if that's true, but it may be.

As far as when you said, "since this industry is going down the tubes at an alarming rate." though, I disagree. I think it is changing. Not every MT is going to even want to change with it, because that probably takes a commitment to a career that not every MT has. MT is going to be different in a few years. Most of the same skills are still going to be needed, but at a higher level of expertise, in my opinion. That's why it's annoying for some of us who read the same people complaining day after day who are not like you, but people who don't even do that much work. They don't care about doing quality work, but just spend most of their work day repeating the same messages on message boards that they posted yesterday or last week or last month or, in some cases that I know personally, 2 years ago. Now that is such a poor use of time and depresses everyone, which I honestly believe is their goal. That is not you from what you've said in your last post, but for those who fit that description, my message still stands. Misery loves company and it's a very unhealthy place to live.

Do not pay this poster any attention. Everytime someone talks about Transcend - She is sure to be right behind with a slam

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She tries to discredit anyone who has anything negative to say about Transcend. Just pay her no attention. None of us do.
I agree, I saw where her post was headed and stopped reading it - OP NOT just a whiner at all
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The OP posted a very heartfelt vent and was certainly entitled to do so. When I saw that "other post" crop up, I saw where it was headed and immediately stopped reading it.

I cannot figure out for the life of me when someone isn't free to post their OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND EFFECTS OF THEIR EMPLOYER LOSING THEIR ACCOUNT a bad thing or whining or being a "misery just loves company" situation.

My heart went out to the OP...my BRAIN turned off that other poster as soon as I saw the direction he/she was trying to take the original post.

Some people I guess are just absolutely heartless and love twisting the proverbial knife one final time. Amazing.
I don't understand. Is your advice to OP that she stay there and remain miserable? - Please clarify
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I'm not sure what you are advising her t do. Are you saying she should stay there and continue to be miserable?
Not giving her ANY advice - Pointing out the "misery loves company" poster
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I gave the OP no advice. I read her post and felt badly for her. Then further down one of the "you're just a whiner" and "misery loves company" posters appeared. I said I chose to stop reading that post.

Hope that clears it up for you...and hope you aren't just looking for a flame war with your post ;-)
Re: Do not pay her any attention... - Cory
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Yes. Strange how she tries to discredit. And what a ''leap'' in reasoning she makes that the OP won't be happy no matter where she works. Wow--she can determine that by an anonymous post on a message board?! She's missed her calling--Tremendous psychic powers, ha, ha.
is anyone who says anything positive to be ridiculed on this board?nm - anon
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Apparently, but that demonstrates the point someone made earlier - Work Quality and Attitude Really Pay Off
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I always ask myself when I read these messages if this is a person I would want on my MT team. I've been around long enough to be able to read through the lines on some things. We have absolutely no way to know about the quality of their work, but their attitude screams volumes. Would you want to have to put up with that every day? I wouldn't. How would you like to be a QA person and have to bring an error to their attention? If I were making the hiring decisions, I would rather have someone who would work with me, not against me.

I don't work for the company they are talking about, so it's possible that they have some real problems and maybe their QA needs an attitude adjustment too, but maybe not. It's possible that they are just hiring the wrong people. Personally, I would just clean house and keep only the ones with the good attitudes if I were them. Then I would hire some new people who do good work plus have an attitude that lets them learn from their mistakes. Maybe they'll have to get someone with less experience in some cases, but even if they have to go with brand new unexperienced MTs with good skills and a teachable attitude, it would take a lot of pressure off in having to deal with obnoxious behavior. It would make their work a lot easier and more productive.
There are still some really good companies and some successful MTs - They usually find each other
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The best companies seem to attract the best MTs and keep them. Then you have companies that hire what I would call the 'attitude-challenged' and they pay for that every day they have those MTs working for them. Some of them are evidently figuring that out because they are switching out those people who are always causing trouble and giving the work to the people who are the best workers. That's a win/win for everyone in my opinion and that's the way I would do it if I were doing the hiring. That's a job I would love to have, hiring really good MTs. I would want to know if they have really good skills, but I would want to have a way to test out their attitudes, and that would be a deal-breaker if they failed that one. Skills you can work on, but people are stuck with their attitudes and work ethics. I don't know if it's possible to change those after they've been ingrained over time.
That would be the 'Success Loves Company' Forumula, would it? - Lovin it
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Perhaps these people all had good attitudes when they started but because of Transcend's childi - On the other hand
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unprofessional conduct they soon changed. Transcend has a handful of favorites that can do no wrong. And they have some who have never done anything but follow the instructions to the letter but still are abused by their "leaders". Transcend is definitely trying to get rid of all the experienced MTs and just hire low rate new MLS who do not know anything.
That theory doesn't work. - See message
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Let's say an MT with excellent skills and a good attitude go to work for a company. That company treats them so bad that they are miserable. An MT with a good attitude would leave that situation and go to a company that treats MTs appropriately.

Why would an MT stay? Poor skills, poor attitude who loves to play victim, or both. Otherwise they would be out of there faster than you could shake a fist at that pathetic employer.

There are plenty of jobs for people who are able and willing to do them.

The comment about new MLS not knowing anything is just one more symptom of the problem. There may be some who know little or nothing, but there are others who do very well, and they may not be taking lower rates to get hired. Last time I talked to a new MT she was hired at the going rate, and know nothing? She has a job she enjoys, so who's the 'know-nothing' here. I don't think it's her.

Edited to say that I don't think it's you either. I just think your theory is wrong.
Your reasoning is skewed - More jabs?
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Good MTs don't leave because there are no good jobs out there so there goes your whole theory down the drain.

Sorry you couldn't scud the MTs with that invalid line of reasoning.
Oh but there are. - nm
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Sure there are...and I have nice piece of waterfront property for sale - In beautiful Okeefenokee...
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LOL and then tries to drag other posters into her little flame wars - Nope, NOT falling for it
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Perhaps if we learn to catch these pot-stirrers quickly enough and discount them, they'll take their poorly-constructed attempts at starting trouble in the threads elsewhere. Or at least find something more, shall we say "productive" with which to engage themselves. Their attempts to constantly berate posters when the poster is already down is quickly becoming a very characteristic to display, on these boards or elsewhere. Speaks volumes of what THEIR true personalities must be like.

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