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you can learn a lot looking at job audit - cherry picking is alive and well

Posted: Nov 17, 2012

Hmmm this job has been "discarded" a few times.  Couple of jobs have been "discarded" by the same person.  "Discarded" happens when you log out.  Can also see what has been "abandoned", funny, the same names keep showing up.  Truth be told, these dictators they are dumping are not all that bad.  All that logging in and out and abandoning must make for a long day.  Sometimes the easiest answer is to just do the job.

Then why are you not turning them in to CCM - I am tired of doing all the junk

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I have no clue how you have access to see who had the job or who abandoned/discarded a job, but if I had access to that information, and saw the same person(s) doing that, I would be reporting it, for sure.

you know, I think I will - cherry picking

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probably get me branded as a troublemaker, but it wouldn't be the first time.

I have one thing to say though. I have - gamt

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5 accounts I work on at the same time on 2 different computers. My primary is not on DQS, so when I get another job on the other programs/accounts, I have to sign out to use the foot pedal for the primary account. So, you can't always be sure they are cherry picking. They may just be working on another account not on DQS.
you have to work on 2 different computers? - cherry picking
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they make you switch platforms and ocmputers all day? that's crazy! I don't think it could be very common either. I admit there may be something going on that I don't know about, but I don't think it's that.
yep. At one time I had 3 different computers - gamt
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but I got it down to 2 now. Some programs do not work with other ones so you have to have more than one computer to switch back and forth between.
you have my sympathy - cherry picking
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Seems like it would be very hard to be productive in a situation like that.
some days are worse than others, but - gamt
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you can get in a rhythm after you get used to it. I make enough to pay the bills and eat. Thank goodness my vehicle is paid for. I am the only one working so I have to make enough money.

I think somebody posted about this before - and...

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when they reported it to their CCM, CCM asked why they were spending time looking this stuff up and basically told to get back to work. Hope your CCM or TSM is more responsive to you. Nobody cares. I have been doing this long enough to know that it takes longer to try to discard the job than to just do it.
that's what I'm thinking too - cherry picking
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whenever I go poking my nose into stuff like that, it gets me in trouble.
"it takes longer to try to discard the job than to just do it" - NOT TRUE see msg.
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If its a dicator the MT struggles with, its actually very fast to just click on "break" and the next job will load right away.

If you are abandoning a job, thats different because you have to log out and log back in again and in some cases, even punch out.

I have a Nazi TSM or CCM (whatever) and she monitors EVERYTHING and will send emails out threatening performance management and disciplinary action for breaking and abandoning jobs.

Depends on your CCM, some care, some dont.
I don't have a lot of experience with - breaking jobs, but
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On the rare occasion when I get a 45-minute long report with 20 minutes left on my shift, I will break the report, but it will keep coming back every few reports and I have to keep breaking it. I then report it to my CCM, but I don't think you just break and it goes away. That would be too easy. Correct me if I am wrong, maybe it works for others.
To "I dont have a lot of experience....." - see msg
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you said:
"45-minute long report with 20 minutes left on my shift, I will break the report, but it will keep coming back."

Question for you - How do you know it keeps coming back? If you only broke the job because it was time for you to get off, then how is it that you are still on working long enough to know that it keeps coming back?

You dont have to have to abuse the job break button to know how it works, all you have to know is DocQscribe. If you work on any system long enough, you come to find out all he little quirks about it.

The point was, you CAN break a job and faster than you can type it if the doctor is a difficult dictator.
In short, - how it works for me
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Sometime I get 45-minute long reports that take me up to an hour to finish. For example, if I get one of those reports 20 to 30 minutes before the end of my shift, I will break it and take the next job in the queue. The majority of jobs I get are a few minutes long, so I can do lots of these short jobs in 20 minutes. Therefore, I would keep getting that 45-minute report back and have to break it more than once.

As for the ethics of cherry picking, I would never do that to my fellow MT. I live by the credo "do unto others." If other people cherry pick and leave the difficult dictators to others, that's on them, I'm not going to compromise my integrity even though it costs me money. Maybe I have been doing this too long and should get out, but I need to be able to take pride in my work and do a good job even if no one else cares. I do it for the patients, not MM, and that's on me.

Go "troublemaker"! Yesss! Do it! nm - had it

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I will discard OP notes all day long since I am not - according to them eligible to paid to do them. sm

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They come to me, they get abandoned. Pay me what it's worth and what everyone else is getting to transcribe the OP notes, and I'll do it. Until then, I will refuse it, abandon it, step on it, throw it out, ditch it, cherry pick it, drop it, or whatever other terms you would like to use for it.

You might think you have it all figured out when really you don't. I'm offended by your post and by thinking you know everyone's situation when really you do not.

Furthermore, I am supposed to log out when I'm on break, have an emergency, or it is the end of my shift. How do you know everyone's situation? You do not, so until then please just mind your own business. Do us all a favor and get back to focusing on yourself.

now now - cherry picking

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I already admitted that there may be something going on that I don't know about and you're right, that could be it. Wonder why they route them to you if you are not supposed to get them. Also, these were not op reports. Just consults and progress notes.

They hope they will get free work done. Why else? - Are you really that naive?

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This company does not care. They demoralize and make unconscionable demands and requests on their MTs every minute of every day. Do you really need ask why? Really?
See your point - look at it like this, some
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people dont want to spend 10 to 15 minutes on an ADT screen googling physicians and addresses to cc and some dont want to spend an hour one a dictator that mumbles, slurs and can barely pronounce his words. They would just assume skip the job and get 5 more done as opposed to that one.

Is it good work ethic? No, but some opt to make the money they need to fatten their pay check and pay their bills. While others choose to do whats morally correct and right. I see both sides of the coin. I am not a chronic abuser of abandoning jobs or hitting the break button, but I can see why some others might be whether I agree with it or not.

The bottom line is for some its all about the pay check.
I left my last job because of - cherry picking
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it was so blatant, and the supervisor wouldn't do anything about it. Oh he sent out an email telling everyone to play fair. I believe it is the supervisor's job to keep this from happening. Cherry picking is cheating and those people are stealing from the people who do the right thing.

The only reason I even brought it up here is because it is such a sore subject for me.
Well as you can see, cherry picking goes on every where. I - think you will find that anywhere you go.
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As long as people are under-paid and struggling to make ends meet, they will continue to do what they have to do to make their money. Maybe not all, but some. You will find that where ever you go.
Disheartening - Naive
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I know I am naive, but it's bad enough to be screwed over by MM, without being reminded that I am being screwed over by my fellow MTs. I know times are tough, pinching pennies myself, but since when do we turn into conscience-less animals willing to shaft our coworkers to survive? Survival of the fittest by chasing each other to the bottom? MM is already there and some MTs following right along. I need to get out, I'm too naive and ethical to succeed in this shark tank. Eat or be eaten? This is no way to live.
If you think cherry picking is that bad, try getting a job - in the real world meaning..
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Get up, get dressed get in your car, drive to work and punch the time clock and see what all you have to put up with then.

I am by no mans justifying anything, but think about it...there are far bigger fish to fry than worrying about cherry picking.

I worked 10 years in-house for a hospital and when they finally sent us home to work, boy was it a relief. Back then we could see everything and even had the ability to assign ourselves work. People took full advantage and yes, it was irritating, but rather than to put up with all the office politics, nit-picking, back-biting, mean spirited personalities, I considered the cherry picking to minor.

Im not saying I think its right, Im just saying, there are worse things in the world and like the girl above said, we dont know everyone's situation. Maybe the person skipping all them jobs in in danger of being evicted or having her electricity shut off...who knows or maybe that person simply is not qualified to do those jobs or that particular doctor.
Justification? - Naive
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I have been out in the real world full of sharks, cut throats, and the like. I know what it's like, not getting the promotion, promoting people based on their "brown-nosing" skills. I've seen a lot. But to justify cherry picking based on a person's situation, ie, being evicted or not being able to pay bills, or that the person is not qualified? Why is their situation any more dire than mine? How could we possibly know the situations of our fellow MTs? If the MT is not qualified to do those jobs or difficult dictators, why do I have to pick up the slack? Right is right and wrong is wrong no matter the situation. Our actions define us and how we treat people matters, virtual or not.
To each their own - We can agree to disagree. - nm.
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You cannot consider yourself an equal when you are a sm - Queen of Discarding
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different type of MT paid at a different level. There are grades or tiers to this job and it is not for you to say who should be doing what. It is the company's issue. No one is asking you to pick up anything that you're not being paid to do. Yes, it could be a situation of someone is on corrective action and told not to transcribe that work type for all you know. It happens. Sometimes you just have to build a bridge and get over it, ya' know?!
A different problem I had when working - as an MT in-house...
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Everybody loved this one particular doctor because his reports were so long and he was the "easiest in the world" but I had to dump his reports every single time. I have hearing loss for the low sounds and this man's voice was so low it sounded like thunder rumbling from the inside of my head and bursting out my eyes! My coworkers were okay with taking those reports, though.

LOL!!!! at the person who posted *I will discard* - You tell it girl!!! funny post and so true.

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Op notes - PerpetuallyBewildered

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As I have posted before in other threads, supposedly I am not qualified to do op notes either, but I am so happy to do them, because most of the hospitalists at my primary account are great destroyers of line count, while most of the surgeons are line count creators.

I always say op notes are golden - for that very reason nm

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I love them. I would be in a happy place doing OP - all day long. nm

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I don't understand. I LOVE op notes. I can make - the most money on them.

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ASR does them the best and they require the least auditing even. But even at Tier 3 I never get them, just stupid clinic notes. Wouldn't it be nice if they even TRIED to match people with work?

There are lots of reasons jobs get discarded... - anon

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I have a backup account that uses placeholders and splits every job 2 or 3 times numbering the different sections with placeholders. When I split the job, the job holding in my queue behind the job I'm working on goes back to the pool. I would imagine those show as being discarded just as if I had logged out before they were downloaded. Believe me, many times I would love to have those jobs, but lose them due to this stupid placeholder split-loving account I have to work on at times.

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