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It's almost 2 months now on Escript and I'm still straight transcribing more than VR. I can see a lot of ready for editing reports but I hardly get any, and not getting my lines either. Some days, I only get 2 short VR reports.
I'm in a really foul mood lately because of it. I'm still averaging a combination of 800 lines a day, rarely more, usually less, and I refuse to work over my shift until I get the necessary daily lines. It's bad enough I wind up working weekends to try to get my lines.
When I try to change a comma to a period and capitalize the next word, the little red box will do that if I'm on the word that needs to be capitalized, but I still have to backspace and take the comma out. Does anyone else have to do that? Sometimes, the box jumps so far ahead, too, then I have to move a couple words prior to the one I want to change. I can't use my expanders, either because the program freezes up.
Did everyone else have this problem when they first started a new VR program? When I used to do all straight transcription, I used to do 1200 or more a day. When I used the other VR program, it was nothing to do between 2300-2500 lines a day. Never had to touch my mouse, either, but do with Escript. Some "buttons" do not work. I was told there is no problem with the program.
Oh, and the best thing...I had a 45 minute report the other week, 5 pages. My lines from that? 89!!!!! No, there were not a lot of pauses. This, too, was straight. My hands ached so bad after that one, I had to take some aspirin.
Sorry, really venting lately. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hang in there.