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WMX QA monthly status report - apalled

Posted: Sep 14, 2010

Just read this report, and I find it so ironic and insulting that they institute this new non-productive, mistake-promoting platform and garbage-producing ISR, degrade the sound, and then turn around and blame us for the customer complaints that are coming in about quality of work. They should be looking at their decision to buy it, listen to us about it's shortcomings, and fix it or go back to what worked, we enjoyed using and were productive with quality reports using it! And they must go over all the QA rules again, as if we are fifth graders and can't get it.

I feel for ya... sm - WebQA

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I was QA until I got laid off. I know how you feel. The audio is atrocious, the ISR is worthless, and they shouldn't blame the MTs for the dictator's habits. Hang in there. I hope it gets better for you.

Oh, come on." Atrocious," "worthless?" Honest evaluation would - Oh, my.

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would be so much more helpful. So, it does seem you don't like the platform, and/or the company, and/or maybe life too. That at least is credible from your message.

Your attempts at trivialization are tiresome. - Give it a rest, management.

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Nope. Just a remote MT with a better income. NM - Back to shopping. :) Oh, my.
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Work = Money. Whining = Less money.
uh...yeah...right... - wink, wink....
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So why are you here? - Nothing to buy here.
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We know full well who you are. yawn...
The smug people who act like theyre so good that - their jobs are totally safe make me laugh.
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Especially management types, who are also vulnerable to replacement. At my company, management changes about 3-4 times a year. We have no idea who's who there anymore.
Yes, I am a frequent vomiter of the SMUG SLUGS - Continual RETCHER
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Smile. Look for a job. Cross off "bash WMX" on to-do list for today. - hoo boy

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Belly giggles..... =D big LIKE for da hooooo booy! - still giggling

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Exact same thing happened at Achoo-sis. - Their mantra: always blame the MT.

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And the QA rules change every day too! - We feel the pain of the insanity too!

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QA used to be run very well. Now we have a "manager" who took a well oiled machine and destroyed it. We all worked on our own accounts, new the accounts, the doctors, the MTs, the STMs and could actually contribute something to the quality of the company. We had maybe 10-15 accounts to QA. NOW we have been taken off our primary accounts that we knew inside and out and have been put into the QA pool for the ENTIRE company! It takes a LONG time to study account specifics for each and every account. Sometimes we will get a 1 minute report and we only get credit for that 1 minute of dictation, but it might take 20 minutes of studying account specifics for a picky account that you have never worked on before. We're starting to get tickets from the clients - well, no kidding!! It's just going to get worse.

Whoever is in charge here needs their friggin' heads examined!

Did WMX get bought out? - Steph

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Did WMX get bought? This is exactly what happened to me at MQ.

No, not bought out, we bought TransHealth out of Tennessee - now they are putting THEIR people in place

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It looks like Chart Matrix is going away - of course we'll never know until it is a done deal, they never tell us anything at WMX. However, a lot of the CM people have been put in place of those let go from Webmedx.
WMX - Steph
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If they bought out another company, I wonder why there has been literally no work during my shift, or for most other shifts for that matter.
That was 3 years ago wasn't it? You are reaching. nm - what?
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Yes, that is when they were bought, but just started placing CM people - on Enterprise within last couple of months
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Not reaching. Just facts.
Smile. Type. Productivity always wins. nm - hoo boy
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I agree; I dread my job at Webmedx now. Its clear there are - bad changes in QA. nm

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Reminiscent of the cesspool at the Q... - Shudder....

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Just the suits trying to have bare-bones staff. They want us all MT/QA to make as little as possible. I'm sure you are ordered to jump on and help transcribe any account, whether you are familiar with it or not, at times as well. So sorry to hear about your situation. Until now, QA at WX has been excellent, staffed with polite, kind people.

I am QA at Webbie. I NEVER give nasty feedback. However, I did not come from CM either. - nm

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webmedx QA - webmedxmt
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Personally I have always had absolutely excellent QA. They have been professional and helpful. At times, they have posted for everyone when there was a hard term stumping everyone, and I really appreciate that. I hope it continues, holding my breath from what I have read.
So far almost all posts presuppose any problem. Being prepared - Oh, my!
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does not mean getting all your complaints shot off ahead of time.
Yeah, they are not going to let us do that anymore. - That was because of the STMs. New QA micromanager
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WMX has new QA Manager? Really? - No wonder
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Ah ha!
Yes. This company makes the stupidest decisions. - K
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They put the new manager in charge for heaven only knows what reason. Now it's not uncommon for each QA to have 20+ accounts. I don't know anyone who is happy in QA. We have a new manager every six months or so (the new one is appropriately being referred to as a micromanager). Sometimes I think the suits just move people around to try to look like they're solving problems by appearing busy. That way they can justify their jobs and salaries. All of the stupid decisions take a toll on both QA and MT.
You lost me with the infantile "suits" reference - Credibility crash for the thread
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Every time I'm interested in hearing what someone says in a thread, someone goes childish with a "suit" comment and all credibility goes out the window. The conversation was interesting before that happened, but now I don't believe the information to be factual. That's because of the low-credibility track record of the people making "suit" comments.
You're anonymous, slinging around "infantile" and "childish," - K
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and you want to point fingers at my credibility? You're all over these boards, and every time anyone says anything not all rah-rah about Webmedx, you attack them. Don't you need to get back to your shopping?

Seriously, I couldn't care less whether you find my posts credible or not. Go get yourself a hobby and quit attacking the people of these boards just because you disagree with them.
"Suits" is just another word for management - Not childish or immature.
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Just because that is your perception does not make it true.
Easier to say & faster to write than "stuffed shirts" or - s/m
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"pompous @sse$."
I'm proud to be on the QA team at WMX; there are no divas - here and the feedback is respectful. nm
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That's what I'm screaming - not in the mood

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It was an insult more than anything, and shows what their attitude towards us is going to turn into in the future. From bad to worse. On my accounts they are reducing the number of blanks we can send certain clients, so now we will be utilizing QA more, so they can chastise us for following their rules! Nothing but denial - client garbles several phrases, I can no longer send to the client but have to send to our QA, then it becomes "MT" fault, never the client's or our own management for putting the rules in place! I get in trouble if I guess, in trouble if I put a blank - basically I get penalized for even receiving the report at all.

IMO - exwebbie

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You get in trouble if you follow rules, then get in trouble for over-utilization of QA, sounds like with all the new rules they are looking for people to quit so they don't have to pay UE, or fire you for not doing a good job and not pay UE. Doesn't sound good to me.

You'll be happy to know it's become nicer since you left. NM - Still There.

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Zing! - lol
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Great - exwebbie
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Great, glad it helped and I am sure it will be even better when you are gone.
that was uncalled for - cannedQA
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and definitely not what I have heard from other QA people. They say that it sucks.

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