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anyone know how long it takes for raise to go through once paperwork is submitted by CCM? - mtfossil

Posted: Nov 13, 2009

It has been 9 years since my one and only raise, so after hassling CCM for last few months, she finally got on the ball with it.  First, I had to have an audit, which was done on 10/01 and my score was 99.89, so she went ahead with the paper work.  She told me a couple of days ago via IM that the paperwork had been submitted (however she failed to say when).  Soooo, my question is....how long does it take for it to go through?

A Raise? - anon

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MQ is giving raises? I have only seen pay cuts - no one I know has gotten a raise in more than 9 years. Hope your CCM is not stringing you along.

raise - never

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NEVER HAD A RAISE in the 10 years I worked there. Only less and less in my paycheck, and then I finally quit.

like I said, only 1 raise 9 years ago and I'm no where near top of pay scale. sm - mtfossil

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I have 43 years of MT'ing under my very wide belt and have been asking for a line rate increase for last 3 years, only to be told that first there was a freeze, then from there one excuse after another. Finally, in last 3 months I hit CCM with the fact that I knew there were many MTs making much much much more than me, so then went into hassling mode. CCM then said I needed an audit and there was a special department that did audits, but she did not know who. Well, I took care of that in a hearbeat. I called QTL and talked to her about this, and she said she is the one who does the audits and my CCM never informed her that I needed an audit done. By end of phone call QTL said she would perform audit within the next couple of days, and she kept to her word. So, supposedly CCM has now submitted paperwork and I now sit here and wait. Believe me, I am not holding my breath on this!
Raise - MTr
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I used to get raises. The paperwork is a beginning. It then has to be approved, and can take months after that.
The MQ minute - Dinosaur
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I have been here forever, and this is what some of us call the Medquist Minute. It is kind of like the last 2 minutes of a football game takes 30 in real time. Multiply 1 minute of real time by 7 days equals 1 MQ minute.

I have not had a raise in about 9 years myself. When I have asked for one over the past few years I was told I was topped out. They do manage to cut our line rate in a speedy fashion however.

no raise - enigma

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Same here. I started out as a Tier 3, and about maximum per line. Never a raise, ever, only occasional bonuses. And with VR, less and less income. I should have quit 2 years ago when I first started feeling the pinch. Am in a big hole now, haven't quit yet but it is getting very close.

re: fossil - chuck

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IF indeed the paperwork has been started, give it at least a couple of weeks for that to be evaluated, then you should see it in about one or two payperiods. Congrats!

For you disbelievers, if your scores on on par and your CCM is really on your side, and will speak for your quality of work and adherence to your hours/schedule, you CAN get a raise. Don't sell yourself short. Get your worth.

It took mine about - Monkey

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two payperiods. It finally showed up on my paycheck this month, so raises are still being given even if you are not at the lowest rate.

Raise Hit or Miss - Sunflower

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I have gotten several raises since being at the Q for 6 years. My very first CCM was the best and he took care of it...I have no idea what happened to him. I once put in for a raise on a Fri and got an answer on Mon and in my next paycheck. This time it has taken over 4 months. All I can say is keep bugging your CCM and anyone else you can get a hold of. Persistence, persistence, persistence. Oh, and the raise you get is hit or miss also. It could be 2% or 7%; not sure who decides that. I remember someone posting they got an actually whole penny raise....so who knows with this place.

She will get back to you again after you pester... - Spooner

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her enough to tell you that "Oh, dear...there's a wage freeze." That was the scenario with me.

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