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anyone have a direct number or email for MM human resources? just deemed ineligible for rehire --sm - anony

Posted: Nov 25, 2013

but the email did not give a reason, just said that after HR review, I was deemed ineligible for rehire. Gave me the recruitment department if I felt the decision was in error, but when I called them, all they said was the decision came from HR.  Said they had no info on email address or phone number.  

Phone number - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
You can use the main phone number listed on the website and when the voice prompt begins to speak, press 0 for the receptionist and tell her you'd like to speak to someone in Human Resources. However, I think they're on Eastern time so they may be getting ready to close for the day, if they're not already.

Good luck.

re rehire - nonamemt

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You have to be gone 1 full year before they will consider rehiring. That happened to me, finally got in touch with a former manager still with the company, and she said had to be gone 365 + 1 day gone. I waited the limit, retested and was hired. If that is not your case, then I am not sure what to say, they legally do not have to give you an answer.

nonamemt - wondered about your reason - sm

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for coming back to MM. I'm on the fence about looking elsewhere and wondered why you came back. Thanks for your response.

found it through corporate. Forgot I left without notice before, so they won't rehire.. may be - anony

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a blessing in disguise. NM - anony

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FYI - anon

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It has been my experience that a lot of companies will not rehire you if you did not give them a 2-week notice.

Years ago, I left an employer without notice. He refused to give me my vacation pay and my wages for the week. I turned him into the Dept of Labor. After much going back and forth, I finally got my money but found out he had done the same to others. Nice guy, huh? I do not and will not work for free.

Dept of Labor informed me that there is no law stating you must give notice but rather it is customary. I try to keep that in mind.

Sorry for your problems.

Rehire - I am questioning

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WHY, would you want to go back and work for that company? Just this incident alone, should be a red flag!

looking for a company with lower insurance deductible, theirs is only 500 compared to Nuance 2500 n - looking

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