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Rehire - peeking_duck

Posted: Jan 14, 2015

Do you think if I worked at a company over 10 years ago and left on (from what I remember) not that great of terms, they would still remember me, and would it even be considered a rehire?  I remembered, after the fact, that I did work for them briefly, way back, when I was just starting out.  My name has changed.  Is that all they go by, or do they use SSN?  Actually I think it has been more like 14 or 15 years. 

Rehire - Sassy MT

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Most companies will ask if you have ever been employed with them and will ask which name you worked under. I worked for a week with a company during a transition of them buying out the company I worked for and since I had another job, I chose not to continue with them. However, when I wanted to apply with them years later, I was told I was not eligible for rehire, although technically I never actually worked for them because I left before they officially took over. Still, the only way to know for sure is to apply.

Yep, they will remember, I think it goes by SSN. nm - jc

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I wouldn't hink they would remember if it has been 10 years - anon

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but they probably go by SSN and no name. Why wonder, just go ahead and apply and if the subject surfaces about working previously then you can defend yourself. What have you got to lose, if you think you would like to work this company, I say for it!!!

SSN and yes you will ping their database, answer honestly. nm - acuteMLS

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I don't think they would know - sm

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This many years later, it is highly doubtful that they would have the exact payroll system that would pull your name up. Also, many MT companies actually use a separate payroll company, so nothing would even be said by the company. You said you remembered after the fact, so I would just pretend I didn't remember at all, if it were me. I know many will give a huge sigh at my bold dishonesty, but jobs are hard to come by and let's keep it real, the MT companies usually aren't up front and honest with us either:)

I cannot imagine they would know- it's been a long time - anon

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and with the turnover these companies have to keep up with SSN for 10 years, that would be massive.

rehire - Maria

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Yes, they will know by your SS# and if you didn't put in a two weeks' notice, they probably will not rehire you. Sorry.

All you can do is try - EMT

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They most likely will have record of you working for them previously based on your SSN alone. Even if they do, since it was over a decade ago, they may see it as water under the bridge and might still consider rehiring you, or they may not. You won't know until you try. That's all you can really do. It all depends on the company and their rehire policies. They could have a big black mark next to your name that says "do not rehire" or they may not. They may only have record of the dates you worked for them and nothing else. However, I definitely wouldn't lie to them if they ask if you've ever worked for them before. I don't even think I would necessarily try to hide it because then you would look dishonest if they were to find out. That would be a sure fire way NOT to get rehired. Be honest and up front about it and explain what happened. It was a really long time ago and they probably don't even have the same management staff that they had back then. I'd say give it a shot and see what happens. You have nothing to lose. The worst that could happen is they say no and then you will know that at least you tried and can move on. Good luck!

Late - Jen

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I'm late to the party here.

Yes, they will certainly have records of your SSN. They may not bother to check those records, especially if they've changed payroll services or the information is stored in some inconvenient location.

But probably, they'll be able to determine that you worked there before.

I think it's unlikely that they'll remember anything about the circumstances of your departure after so long, though. Even if they kept good notes, someone would have to be motivated enough to look them up, and again that information may be in an inconvenient location.

I'd bet against anyone actually remembering you. Very possibly they've had enough turnover in 15 years that no one who worked there your first time around is still there. Especially in an HR department. Companies seem to burn through HR managers at an alarming rate.

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