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Rehire at Keystrokes - Anon

Posted: May 09, 2012

I am wondering what it is like at Keystrokes now.  I worked for them back in 2008 and it was very stressful and hard to make line counts then.  QA was very tough too.  Have they changed at all???  Anyone who works there now, I would appreciate your comments.  Thank you.    

I am thinking about applying there now, but a little scared at the same time. 

Check the archives. - nm

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Go back at least 9-12 months.

KS Rehire - anon

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Even harder to make lines now, rude managers, QA changes everything and not consistent, threatening e-mails. Stay away, no better.

Thanks anon for your advice. - Anon

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I really appreciate your honest and candid comments. Sounds like it has not changed much. Towards the end QA gave me a bad score and hounded me on petty mistakes. I had consistently been at 98% or better for the past year, so why all of a sudden am I doing so bad??? I think if they do not like you or want to get rid of you, they will do this to justify taking you off an account. It just seemed kind of strange to me that all of a sudden I am doing bad reports. Even my team leader did not understand what was going on. She said not to worry and that I was sitll putting out good work. This has happened to me actually on 2 different jobs. So of course I am very paranoid about these companies now.

I have had the opposite experience of the other poster. I came back to KS 2 years ago. sm - KS MT

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I have had a great experience since I came back and realized quickly that I had made a mistake leaving in the first place. I have to agree with other posters that there seem to be a few very bitter people out there that want to bash KS every chance they get. With so many MT's, there are bound to be a few that are unhappy, but I know of many, many of us who are happy.

High volume accounts, full benefits and advancement? - LOL!

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Just wondering.

See message - KS Emp

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They have vision and dental, but the regular medical is not considered major medical. It is a medical PLAN (program) that is only good if you have very little to no medical issues and don't require medication.

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