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Using electronic resources after you graduate from MT classes - Do you renew your subscriptions?

Posted: Jan 19, 2011

After you got out of MT classes and your subscriptions to your electronic resources expired, did you renew your subscription, use other resources instead, or do without?

Not sure what resources you are referring to... - sm

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but I use Stedman's electronic dictionaries. You pay for them one time and they are then yours to do as you please. The only reason you would need to pay for them again is if you want to update your dictionary, which I find irrelevant at the moment because using the ones I have along with Google, I don't really have a problem finding what I need.

What about Benchmark? - nm

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you can find faster on google - benchmark is a waste of money

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my opinion, of course

Invest in some good reference books--Stedman's - sm

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Word Books and use RELIABLE websites--medical ones, if you google. Drug books--I wouldn't waste money on as they are outdated by the time you get them. There are lots of websites out there for drug references.

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