A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Venture Resources Group? - MTinOH

Posted: Feb 01, 2011

I received a W2 from a company called Venture Resources Group, LLC, and I have no clue who they are! I worked for a bunch of companies in 2010 and I'm not sure which this is as it's not the direct name of any of them. Tried to contact an obscure phone number to no avail. Anyone have a clue about this place?

See if the Fed ID number inside is the same on the W-2. - me

[ In Reply To ..]
Venture Resources Group LLC in Lawrenceville, GA Their Federal ID number is 59-3445904.

Doesn't give a name, but knowing where they are might help narrow it down. You could also make a list of all the companies you worked for, mark off those that you got W-2's for, and by process of elimination figure it out.

Venture - Aunty

[ In Reply To ..]
I got one from TT with that name -

Oh, that explains it - This must be our prior payroll service - Thought I was going crazy(ier)

[ In Reply To ..]
I'd forgotten that we'd be getting a separate W2 from the previous payroll service, and I've been driving myself batty trying to figure out which company I had been an employee for as opposed to an IC at the beginning of the year, hehehehe...Duh, thanks for posting and saving me a lot more aggravation! :-)

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