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When clocking out for breaks, how do you make up time? - SBH

Posted: Oct 21, 2013

If I clock out to go to the bathroom, how do I make up the time and stay within my "scheduled hours"?  Just wondering how everyone else works this out.  Apparently, they no have a perfomance checker to correlate when clocked in and actually on what you are doing in DQM now.  Also, does anyone know how to check the time worked in DQM?

Clock - Mt

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I dont clock out to go to the bathroom.

I don't clock out for anything - sm

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I eat at the desk, usually while reviewing a report..Doesn't take up much time to make food anyway, so not worth clocking out. 8 hours glues to this desk is more than enough

same here, and here's how I justify it - sm

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They don't care about all the times I sat there for 10 minutes with no work, then another 7 minutes, and another 12 minutes... so I feel justified making a sandwich each day at 4-5 minutes.

I thought we were required to take a lunch break? - nm

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Same here ... no breaks - anon

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I usually have something "premade" in the fridge - leftovers, tuna salad, etc where I can just grab and go. Bathroom breaks are running there, going, and running back. There is no way I'm spending even one minute longer at my desk to make up those 2-5 minute lapses during the day!

Taking breaks - JustMe

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You should be able to start your shift 15 minutes early and end 15 minutes after if you're a person who likes or needs to take breaks like I do but check with your TSM to be sure. If 30 minutes is not enough time, I'd contact my TSM for a schedule change to allow time for breaks. To my knowledge, we don't have access to the time worked in Fluency. I believe they've had the capability to see what we're doing on Fluency for quite a long time now and finally gave us access to some of it by letting us see our inactive time. Hope this helps.

They can see everything in DQM or - Anon

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whatever it is called now. It puts it in chart form, every second we spend, every minute is documented in a graft all they do is choose your name, the date they want to look at and you would be amazed at what supervisors and mgm can see. I know I have been there as a supervisor before (never again, too stressful) but they can and do see it ALL. They can also look to see if we are working off the clock making up lines or trying to get more lines, almost like a GPS in your body following your every move! Just be careful, stick to schedules, and take small 3-5 minute breaks as you need to, I do and every doctor in America will tell you that you need to rest your eyes and stretch your legs and empty your bladder hourly (well some do not have to empty bladder that much), anyhow, it is a tough spot we are in, but if you are like me and need a job until something pops up, then march on.

You get a nice long ASR report, turn the speed to low, - put a brick

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on the pedal and go to the bathroom and each lunch. If the report ends, repeat the process. Slide back to the beginning and put the brick back on. Yes we are serious and yes we have done this. Keeps everything "active" with no downtime. Unless you want the extra ten cents you would make by clocking out and making it up. I didn't. Wasn't making any money anyways.

I just take 10, 15, - 20 minute breaks

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whenever I need them and don't clock off and on. They have never hasseled me about this (2 years), which is surprising, because they always find other reasons to harass me. I just can't sit for hours and hours on end without feeling sick and distracted. If we are now so deep into Bangladeshi sweat shop mode with this job, then I will gladly pass it on to whoever needs it.

Me too. - sm

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I run to the bathroom, I eat at the desk. If my kids call and need something, I answer the phone and talk as long as they need to..No one has ever said a thing to me. But I have my line counts, and quality, and I rarely have any emergencies come up where I can't work. They know if the internet is working, so am I. I think that is really all they care about.

Why use a brick? Ctrl plus space bar - JustMe

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Why use a brick when Ctrl plus the space bar starts and stops dictation when you don't feel like using the foot pedal. I use this all the time during dictation to give my ankle and foot a break on good dictations. :-)

If you do this, then they are going to ask why were in that report so long - nnn

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They know all the tricks. That won't work. It looks to conspicious if you are in a report for an hour and it should only take you 10 minutes at most to type.

Does that work for you? - Lulu

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I tried doing that for awhile to see if my inactive time would go down or stay the same. It didn't change anything for me, same inactive time, brick or no brick. Guess it depends on a lot of factors, wonder how accurate their little charts are?

Brick not gonna do it - Jax

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The idle time tracker starts clocking time 30 seconds after a key is pressed on your keyboard. Playing the audio with a brick on the foot pedal or using CTRL + space bar will NOT keep your system active. There has to be continual input from the keyboard. It's a joke.

but... - ASR

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Everyone knows how perfect ASR is so we should be able to just read along. So why do they expect input from the keyboard every 30 seconds?
I think there is some misinformation above - JustMe
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I use Ctrl+space to start and stop audio and on some rpts I don't have to touch the keys very much at all. Based on my stats, I'm sure as long as audio is playing it's not counted as idle time or I would have more than 5 minutes of idle time in a day.

I only clock out for my lunch break. I'm not wasting time clocking in - and out all day long. NM

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They are watching - and making lists

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My friend said she just got word that not only can they watch, they have now decided to track us all so that our clock hours match our production hours, and if they don't match you will be accused of "over reporting" your hours...and you will be punished. This strikes me as ludicrous as the time clock means nothing to our pay. Just another form of bullying and I do not use that term frivolously.

Clock hours - Jess

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The reason why they are (or have been) "watching" our times is because if you are clocked in and dont make at least minimum wage they have to pay you for at least minimum wage (according to what state you are in pay). So if your clocked in and do not make what adds up to be minimum wage, for whatever reason, they have to pay you. I'm not sure exactly how they figure your time, whether it be production time or actual clocked in time.

Agreed - I REFUSE to let that stop me from being myself - anon

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I absolutely refuse to allow "Big Brother" to determine whether or not I go to the bathroom, stop for lunch or answer my phone when it rings. We are paid on PRODUCTION so the one and only thing they should be concerned with is if we are PRODUCING, not whether or not our "clock hours" matches our "production hours". I remember in the not so distant past when we didn't even HAVE to clock in and out and the only reason we're having to do it now is because their hands got slapped for not paying their employees overtime when it was earned.

JUST LET THEM start barking about my "clock time" vs "production time". Just let them. This tenured and 15-year long loyal, 99.9% accuracy rated, MME will slam the door so hard it'll make their bells ring.

I say bring it - they dont scare me nm

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they scare the bejesus otta me! - chicken little

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Terrified of them, can't lose this job, the stress is horrendous.
Uhm whatcha afraid of - sm
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there are labor laws that allow for coffee breaks and bathroom breaks..what does MModal care so long as you are making your minimum lines, if your not producing they aren't paying you
This - reaction
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is why they get away with what they do.
Exactly - anon
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Totally, completely agreed ... they keep their power by "scaring the bejesus" out of people just like this.

Sorry, but the "bejesus" doesn't get scared out of me very easily, and it would take an entity a thousand times scarier than MModal to do it.
Right there with you, terrified too but in the - shaking in my flipflops
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meantime, I am putting in applications elsewhere, even non-MT. This is the worst company I have ever had the misfortune to work for.

They do that for PTO time accrued. I am part time and don't earn any PTO anyway so not sure why - they would care

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but I guess for full time that is why.

Would you clock out to go to bathroom at an office? - Same rules for your home office

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Office workers are not asked to clock out and use the restroom on their own time. Do you think our "leaders" make up time for their breaks? They SAY they work 24/7 but how often do they answer their office phone during business hours? NEVER. How many holidays do they make sure and take advantage of? EVERY ONE. How many do we get? ZERO (we used to get 10 holidays and 5 days sick time). How much sick and real vacation time do they get (not using PTO to supplement NJA hours)? Lots. Now, let's put that in perspective and don't we look silly for falling for their nonsense. They get far more than they pay for as it is. I say stand firm and pee on the clock! hahaha.

In my state we get paid for breaks but even if we didn't, I would not clock out - jjj

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I don't care if they can see every move I make. If they want to fire me for something that they don't like..bring it on. I'm ready to retire anyway

My QC told me the time to take a break and not have - it count against you is

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While you are on the screen that tells you what your next 2 jobs are ... the one that comes up just after you finish a report and just before you download your next one. When you are on this screen, time is not counting against you - but once you've downloaded your next job and have it up on your screen, the clock starts ticking so bathroom breaks, lunch breaks, etc should be taken just before you download your next report.

Hope this helps.

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