A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Jun 07, 2012

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS???? Asking to "help them out" on Saturday for those who needed to make up work!!! Got 18 hours last week and only 5 this week, where was all the work then???? Rather file for unemployment than to do this weekend work anymore. 

As far as I am concerned, - sm

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The work can sit there all weekened until I get my moldy butt up on Monday morning to work. That way, at least there will be something for me to do on Monday! I am not rearranging my schedule to work 24 hours between Saturday and Sunday and have nothing all week.

AMEN TO THAT!! - fedup

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weekend make up work - just sayin

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Are you saying you are not scheduled to work any weekend hours? And you are complaining? Please.
no, we all are scheduled for weekend work, right? - above and beyond
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I am saying that I will not be making up the weekly work as they would like. I will work my scheduled hours, and leave the rest for the week when I seem to only be able to get in 1/8 of my regular shift!
yes, I work on Sunday normally, IF there's work - fedup
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CCM says to make up work on weekend and - sm
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come Monday there is NJA again! Screwed up company/CCMs/work flow, etc.!

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