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What do you do if you cannot make up time? - mt

Posted: Sep 05, 2013

I cannot be at my computer all hours throughout the day, that is why I signed up for a particular shift! I am part time, have had littel work for a long time, and almost no PTO. What are some of you doing in a case like this? Seems as if the only option is to let you go, because you are not compling (or just cannot ) or you quit!

the question is - what do THEY do?

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If you can't make up the time, then you can't make it up. We have yet to see what they're going to do to people who do not get their hours in. Fire them? Take away their benefits? Use their PTO without consent? Nothing? We just don't know yet.

got email that we can't make up time today cause there is - no work... now what?

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I was scheduled today, can't even get in regular hours let alone the hours I have to make up. This is a big ole mess. I am scheduled tomorrow and saturday also. Whose fault is this that I can't get my hours in when I was told I could today, but now can't!

now they realize - this will not work

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the ball is firmly in their court.
They do not care. Their advantage. - counting the weeks until the end of the semester,
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They only pay 6 minutes now. Many at minimum wage, so 1/10 hour x minimum wage = around 70 to 90 cents depending on the state. With this change, they are saving around $1.50 to $2 per employee. Then, when all your PTO pay is gone, they no longer have to pay you anything for now work, plus they don't have to worry about PTO coverage for your shift because they have the perfect excuse for not letting you take time off, i.e., no time off for you to take.

well I do know this - about PTO
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I was unable to get my time in this pay period, and they did not take my PTO.
Good to know. Will wait to see if it was an oversight or policy. - nm
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If I were still at MM (got laid off) I would really - Kiki

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be pissed off. My CCM told me the reason most PTers were laid off was to make more work for the FTers. I know this was a big lie. I'm so happy I got laid off. Never thought I'd say something like that, but it's so true. Just got my first unemployment check and it's MORE than I was making at MM recently. Happy about that but what it really means was that my pay started out up here and went down down down.....
I'm so happy for you! I'm a PTer and still here and it's sm - confused again
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getting harder and harder not only to make money but just getting through the day without losing my mind. Too many accounts and the micromanaging is enough to send even the strongest off the deep end. I know the CCMs are just the messengers but I got to wonder how they feel about enforcing some of these downright stupid policies.
I'm sure they are just as frustrated as the MTs, and just - Kiki
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as worried about their jobs as well. I was really hoping for the sake of the MTs left after the layoffs (I have 3 other friends who also work at MM) that the lay off would at the very least make work for those left for a while longer....

Well I wish the best for everyone left...I hope things improve after they realize what a big mistake they are making (with the NJA make up policy)...That's how they work anyway. They make stupid decisions without knowing what the repercussions are and then finally they announce their next big great idea for improvement. Duh.
I am sure they are not - just saying
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They are paid by the hour/salary and are not scrambling to make up work every single day for threat of losing their benefits or having to take PTO. They are paid quite well to peddle the corporate lies/excuses why there is no work. If they are frustrated it is not because they are worried how they are going to make up 20 hours this week in 2 days, it is because so many MTs are complaining. Boo hoo.
Ya you're probably right........well, they should - Kiki
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be at least worried because as they let go of more and more MTs - their jobs are at stake.

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