bathroom breaks, etc. - bms
Posted: May 13, 2015
I have recently stopped punching in and out for bathroom breaks, coffee, stretching, etc., because in the work place no one has to punch out to use the bathroom, etc. I feel this is very unfair to expect us to punch in and out to use the bathroom. Anyone else?
Totally agree - lovemydane
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I tried to tell my HDSM that but still got in trouble for "inactive" time and was told to "fix it."
Inactive time - mom2huskies
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I ended up in trouble even though I was reaching the 150 lph. I tried to tell my HDSM that is not fair. By the way my HDSM has never transcribed.
really irritating - Ex-MMer
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One of the many reasons I wanted out; tried to tell me that nobody allows you to do all that when you're working, while I was already doing a second job that yes, allowed bathroom breaks, getting coffee, phone calls, etc., WHILE I WAS CLOCKED IN! HA! crock of crap!
I usually do, not always, but my PTO rate is - higher if I do. NM
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unless i'm actually taking a break - moonchild
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like, 15 or 20 minutes away from my desk, i never punch in or out. i have never been spoken to about my inactive time and if i ever am, i will just laugh. because...these people and their little rules are laughable. just leave me alone and let me collect my tiny paycheck, thats all i ask.
I only punch out for a lunch break, like a normal job. - nm
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