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From thread below, clocking out for potty break? - MT

Posted: Jan 20, 2011

I never clock out for breaks.  Am I supposed to?  I am scheduled for 4 hours at a time with a 1-hour break in the middle.  If I clock out for a break, don't I have to make up the time at the end of my shift?  I don't wanna do that.  I take a break whenever I feel like it.  I can't type 4 hours straight.  How does it work for everybody else?

I type/read like h-double-hocky-sticks for - 4-hour shifts also

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two hours and then take a break (get up and walk around, load the dishwasher, put the dogs out, etc.) and I don't clock out, then back to speed "reading" (ASR) 2 more hours, and still average 250+ lines an hour depending on ASR versus straight. I think as long as you meet your minimum line requirement per hour they don't really care because I have never heard anything about taking breaks and not clocking out.

about the potty breaks... sm - ververyoldMQMT

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Yep, I was told to because it was "eating" into my lph equation. How they do it, I don't know. And yeah, I have been here 17 years. I have a medical condition that requires I work from home and close to a bathroom. I got that infamous email about allowing too many distractions to keep me from the keyboard. GEEZ!!! I follow the rules and do use FTR by searching the patient or doctor for old reports. It takes time. I am at a loss as to what they want, and I wish now I had just deleted the stupid email from them. I am trying not to let it weigh on my mind, but it is hard. Being part time anyway, the 4 cents a line puts me at below minimum wage and that is doing 198-298 lph ASR. Whatever.

I am close to retirement and I don't let - 4-hour shifts also

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these things bother me as much as I used to. If I have to go to the bathroom, I go and don't worry about lph equation. I take their "suggestions" with a grain of salt, taking what I can use and dicarding the rest, because the ones doing these "studies" are usually not MTs anyway (obviously) and have absolutely no clue what it takes to do our job...not their fault, just doing their job and probably feeling just as important as we do.

Don't stress over it, you know you are good and don't need any "study" to tell you otherwise. Life is too short.

I would definitely set up that toilet-bowl camera..... - LOL!!!!! (nm)

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toilet bowl cameras - Disgusted with them
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If they are worried about our taking a poddy break, they shoud supply catheters!!!!! GAWD sweatshop USA!!!

That email is sent to everyone and it says the same - sm

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thing to everyone. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure if they had a problem with you personally they would contact you personally. These generic emails can be taken very personally and seem accusatory but remember they are sent to everyone not just you.
Maybe print out the email and use them for TP during - those potty breaks. nm
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ROFL nm - MalteseMom
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Don't bother clocking out for a potty break - that's ridiculous! - nm

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