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I am thinking of clocking in under work availability while - waiting for trinkling jobs

Posted: Apr 25, 2013

If I am sitting at my computer waiting for jobs to come in every 5-13 minutes, I should be paid. I should not have to be penalized by an adverse effect on my line count if I were to stay clocked in as production. Waiting for jobs while clocked out is still being on the job if you are signed into Fluency. So, the way I figure, you are still working, but off the clock. Plus, as proof that you are working off the clock, your Fluency log in time will be greater than your clocked in time. If I do get an email telling me not to be signed in for work availability while waiting for a job, then I will have proof that I am being asked to work off the clock.

I would do it, then contact the Labor Board if they - dared to hassle me about line count!

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I did that and I didn't get an e-mail, I got a phone call - anon

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My TSM gave me a stern warning to clock off and do the whole Remedy thing.

YEP. Follow the 15 min protocol or get a phone - call. sm

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I suspect they come down on the TSMs if people are not following the 15 min, remedy ticket rule. So in turn the TSM comes down on the MT.

I need documentation of the "15-minute"/sign out while waiting rule. - Not found on MM Central.

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We are really being ripped off. Tantamount to manipulating time cards.
documentation of the "15-minute" - Check your email. - Every TSM had to send procedure to
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follow when out of work. If yours didn't not sure what to tell you, but I know there was a big fuss over it after the holiday season when everyone was out of work and higher ups were wondering why so many NJA tickets. You should have documentation in an email somewhere.
it is on MQ Central - shooter
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What you are saying is true. I was told that - when it gets like that to just

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Go ahead and clock off altogether and check back in about a half hour to an hour, maybe even two. Then if there is work clock back in and finish whats left of your schedule; maybe try to work an extra half hour or hour to make up for NJA time. Then at the end of your shift, put in a remedy ticket anyway, citing that there was no work. Punched out and checked back later. Also add the time you actually worked on remedy ticket that coincides with time clock.

You will not get the 15 min NJA pay, because rather than sit and wait 15 minutes you will choose to check back later. But at least you are not sitting and waiting when you could be doing other things. In the section that asks if you want to take without pay, PTO or make-up - Choose which ever one works best for you. If you think you can get it made up then select make-up time, if not select PTO if you have it.

If you're - out of work

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fill out your ticket, punch out without pay and file for partial unemployment, if this happens on a regular basis. I'm through wasting my time checking back throughout the day.

If it happens on a regular basis, by all means file for - partial UE. You dont have to

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check back randomly, that is just what I was told and even TSM did not insist on me doing it this way. She suggested it and it made sense, BUT then again, I seldom run out of work. If it were a continuous problem then of course by all means file for partial UE. I would'nt go through that on a regular basis.

I agree - Evelyn

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I agree 100%. I, however, am doing straight typing on Futurenet. We have a really stupid policy for NJA. We wait 15 minutes and, if no work, we have to do a ticket with Remedy. MM only accepts 15 minutes of NJA. If it's more, apparently you should have more accts (I have 7). I log off so it doesn't affect my lph stat but then I'm not getting my hours. It's a lose-lose situation. OR you sit, grab 1 job, wait 10 minutes, grab another job, wait 20 minutes. It truly sucks.

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