A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
obviously..completely skipped over the massive feedback they got on INCENTIVE...cuz I know I mentioned it.
So their idea is.."I know..we cannot LEGALLY put little cameras in ever "domestic" MTs house..but we can measure the ratio of keystroke:audio and do a timeline of their day. (BTW...way ahead of them on that one..I already invented the "brick on the pedal" and I taught the cat to dance on my keyboard..so BOOYA).
Ya know what..I ADMIT..my production has TANKED...because I have bottom morale and ZERO incentive to make money.
Offer incentive you Secret Handshake Rejects, Production will SOAR..you can clean house and get rid of people like me who do bare minimum (but of course if I had incentive..I would rock)...thereby vastly reducing your overhead in benefits and dead weight... I daresay..(and this is pulling out of thin air) by a projected margin of 30%.
I..as I am at least 70% of us..our seasoned, excellent MTs who will gladly do the work until your little VSR robot inevitably makes our physical presense obsolete.
Now excuse me...I have to give my cat a dance lesson.
1, 2., cha cha cha.