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Productivity Question - MissD

Posted: Apr 07, 2010

Does anyone out there have their productivity bonus taken away if you make too many errors? For example, where I work if an incorrect date is put on a report or if a report is typed on the incorrect encounter we lose QA points. That then is added to the random QA done every month and if you go below a certain percentage you do not get your productivity bonus. Just wondering if this is standard?

IMO- it should be standard. - me

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I think that quality should never be pushed aside for quantity. Why would they give an MT a bonus for production when the work she is producing sucks? That compromises patient care and the reputation of the company.

Is this how your hospital does it? sm - MissD

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My question was, is this standard? I am not debating whether it is right or wrong, I am trying to see if this is industry standard.

QA Standard - travelinMT

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Everywhere I have worked if you put the wrong date on a document it is an error. Just as big an error as an incorrect word. Same with the wrong report on the wrong encounter. Both will cause big problems with any accrediting agency that checks that patient's file and finds it or any court case that might come up. It has always all been lumped into a QA error. Remember QA means Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance measurements are always measuring the quality of that report and its accuracy.
Okay, thank you, that does answer one sm - MissD
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question. The other question was is it standard to not get a productivity bonus. I am just curious as to how other hospitals do things. Are you employed by a hospital or an MTSO?
Yes this is standard. If you are not meeting QA standards - why would you get a bonus? I even agree with that
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I am not agreeing or disagreeing, just asking. SM - MissD
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You know, I read this board once in a while and I have to wonder why everyone is so darn defensive. I meet QA standards every month. A co-worker and I got into a discussion about standards and we have also been shown standards as it relates to other hospitals, so I was just curious what was really going on in the working world of MTs. However, it is like pulling teeth to get someone to just answer a question without being snarky. I work for a great hospital, full benefits, hourly rate with exceptional bonuses, paid time off, and a completely flexibile schedule. I consider myself one of the luckier ones. I am perfectly happy and again not agreeing or disagreeing, just ASKING. So far, however, no one has directly answered my question. Obviously, this was too difficult a question to answer without the emotional involvement. My apologies!
it's because very few people can say anything is standard - unless you have worked for every MTSO out there
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so we can only offer our personal experiences with the one or few places we personally have worked.

Yes and no - me

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Errors on demongraphics are considered errors, in fact they are serious errors. Enough of those and you fail QA, enough failed QAs and you get fired. We dont have productivity bonuses, so I can't comment on that.

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