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Productivity Enhancements - missindale

Posted: Feb 14, 2012

AND THIS is what they come up with???  Hey MTs, it's all your fault!  We're gonna try to help you reduce all that inactive time you're spending! Couldn't be anything on our end! 

It's absolutely insulting.


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Question: How do you have productivity with NO WORK? Fix the problem, stop the fluff!

I love how they point out - sm

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"too much time on research" but yet focus on the fact that it is our jobs to research (not to use QA), and then give us this p.o.s. report lookup that takes forever to access and then you look through 15 reports and still cant find your word. How about putting in a search that would search all those reports for what we need....

How about doing something with the ASR so I dont have to stop 5 times a line to fix it.

How about making these doctors talking INTO THE MICROPHONE so that we can hear without stopping to cram the earphones so far down into our ear canals only to be blasted out by their cell phone which obviously is sitting on the microphone!

How about paying QA hourly again, so that they can take the time needed to find these time consuming terms?

How about taking all of this money that they are spending on buying up companies and putting the MTs first so that they can do the job at hand!

OMG.... someone give me some duct tape so I can shut my mouth. Im gonna have a heart attack.

There's an easy answer to improve my productivity. - dnr

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FIX the ASR!

Its not about ASR - MT

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It's not about our productivity or ASR at all. It's about keeping the foot on the pedal and fingers on the keyboard. They don't care about our productivity really. If they did, they would fix the ASR. Just another way to micromanage. Like I read about Transcend, making them clock out when they get up, only recording time when they are listening/typing. Wonder when that's going to happen to us.

they would not want us to clock out when we were away ... - noname

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that would boost our production.
my CCM told me to do exactly that - work the system
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Every time I get up and use the bathroom or step away from the computer I punch out. It did boost my production by quite a bit. Yes I still have to make up that time, but it does give a more accurate lines per hour worked. However, I still lost on my benefit rate thanks to the pay cut last July. Can't win for trying.
make sure about the paycut - no name
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they base the benefit rate on your keystrokes. It should have nothing to do with the paycut. If your still transcribing fast and even more so when you work OT that has to play into the picture. Mine somehow stayed the same and they said they lowered it. they must be confused.
I also clock out too but its a pain .. - no name
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to wait until I am done transcribing a report. I just want to make a cup of coffee or take a leak sometimes but its all deducted from the pay. so like you said you have to make it up somewhere. they really have everything covered, don't they?
very sure- capped the tiers - work the system
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Just got the benefit letter via email yesterday- dropped me over a dollar an hour.

I was one of those that got my cpl cut when they capped the tier rates. Your benefit rate is not based on keystrokes, it is based on the average money you made per hour. Yes OT does still count into the average and so does shift differential- they just take the total money you make divided by hours worked. I obviously couldn't make up enough to cover the difference even with punching in and out after they cut my cpl and I just haven't been motivated to work any OT. That is why that email about production made me so angry, I haven't reduced my production, they cut my pay. How does that make me less productive?
the average money you make an hour is determined by the keystrokes - no name
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that is how they figure out how much you are producing per hour. The minute your fingers leave the keyboard you are making less. How else would they be able to come up with a number to calculate how much you made an hour? For me shift differential is only 1 hour in the evening for since it does not start until 9 p.m. now. I also had my cpl cut with the that capping of the tier rates. They get you any way they can.

and you can have someone shadow you working - CREEPY!

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No thank you. Here I was excited reading the email thinking maybe they were actually going to help, but no we will have somebody log in to your computer and watch you work and watch your keystrokes and see how long it takes you to go to the bathroom.

they already do that - sm

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My QA person said she does that all the time. Even the CCM said that if she sees several minutes of no activity, she is on there watching us work.

Then have been doing this for a while.

I think a little evil creativity on our end could put - an end to their desire to snoop!

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I don't believe they are watching... - whatever

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they are too busy trying to audit people to slow them down but freak them out. don't get me started on that 99%. Bring it on.

Not sure I believe that - missindale

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I think the only way they can get into your PC is through that remote thingy in the corner, that red and green thing.

That would make me want to visit all the porn, communist, - Al-Quada, how-to-make (sm)

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homemade IED, "You-too-can-be-a-hacker", and other nefarious web sites I could find, just to freak out the peeper that was spying on my PC.

I got those reports 5 or 6 weeks in a row - me

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That happened to me late last year, haven't gotten any since, but probably only a matter of time. What's the point of having minimum LPH? Makes no sense. Why can't they just leave me alone? I am producing more than the minimum, upwards of 200 LPH, but still have too much inactive time. So I take breaks, so what? It helps me to concentrate better.

No, this is something new - and

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You are entitled to take a break, just not on their 8 hours. You have to punch out and then make up the time. They want their 8 hours. If we take four 15 minute breaks throughout our day, then we have to work 9 hours.

Funny how they used to stress that we should stand up, walk around a couple minutes, stretch, and then go back to work, but now... type and dont stop!!!!!

Productivity - TJ

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Everyone is on their ear tonight. I surely am as well. How much is enough? I think we are seeing it. We are just looked on as a necessary evil. I have to agree with everyone, what about trying to get your 99%? What about the doctor who can't talk? What about the accounts are are not familiar with. We could go on and on and on. Everytime I get anything from this place it is going to be less money. I worked harder than I have this past year, and lost 65 cents for the privilege. I just don't know what is next. I don't need someone shadowing me but I do need a raise. I think that word should get out that this is not acceptable. It is just not.

Productivity - TJ

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I was so upset I made a mistake in my comment. Sorry.

One word could get our point across to them: - STRIKE

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:) - wheres_my_job
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maybe - sm
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some unofficial ones are going on. Not many working in my region.
after that "mandatory OT" nonsense not much here either - MT in the North
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Only the MM brain trust would call for mandatory OT, threaten to write people up for not committing to hours and then run out of work and have NJA tickets all over the place for 3 days straight. Fool me once shame on you.... If they thought OT requests were not heeded before they are certainly being ignored now.

So very burned out - sick and tired

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I will never understand why all the hoopla and wanting to "shadow" us and "catch" us not working --- we get paid production --- we don't get paid by the hour; however, I would assume they do -- so who is really wasting the company's time?

Totally agree with you sick and tired. We're - SM

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production workers not hourly.

Productivity - Ninner

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I first received an email indicating my benefit rate would be changed from $9.08 per hour to $7.37 per hour. The next email I receive is on how to increase my productivity. Now what on God's green earth could possibly MOTIVATE me to INCREASE my productivity?! My per line rate was already cut almost in half awhile ago, now they cut my PTO rate by almost $2.00, and they EXPECT me to care about increasing my productivity?! Amazing!

It is obvious these statistics are done by - Give me a break

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people who are not MTs and have no clue, so I just ignore and delete those emails.

I would not have any "inactive" time if I did not have to look up names, medications, lab values, making sure ADT information is correct, and all the other stuff dictators/ASR cannot get right half the time and it is our butts on the line if we miss what they and ASR screwed up, and do not get paid for any of it...shame on me for taking my fingers off the keyboard and my foot off the pedal so a patient is not put in danger because of ASR and dictator error, LOL.

Such BS - MModal hasn't a clue. Has anyone - SM

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besides the MTs ever even listened to any of these garbage reports we get???!!! I just delete these emails and move on.

They ignore time spent waiting for jobs to load, change work - types, because doc has wrong one, et cetera. n/m

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I agree with strike... - tired

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How bout we all pick a day and oh get some kind of illness,,,so go to the doc and get a note for you headache that they cant possibly say you dont have..Then they cant say crap to you for not working..

As long as I am on production, I will do whatever the hell I want and they can shadow me all they want, they'll find that their stupid ASR crapola is causing everything and the fact that doctors apparentlhy dont speak the English language. Fire me please, Ill collect unemployment..

Yes, let's STRIKE! - Disgusted

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Time to give this company a taste of their own medicine....

not to mention checking the Client Profile for all the different rules nm - missindale

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