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Been told in the past not to bother with keeping a job log. Got my first productivity report today and boy and I glad I didn't listen to them and continued keeping my log and screen prints. They only show base numbers. No accounting for:
Having to use mouse because keyboard shortcuts are hard on carpal tunnel suffers.
No time allowed for their FTR without QA research in past reports.
Inconsistencies on slider bar. (they're never wrong.....WRONG)
No time allowed for having to listen to a dictator 4 or 5 times to sort out their mumbling, eating, background noise, personal phone calls, chats with surrounding personnel, auctioneer practice, etc.
Researching dictator mistakes and leaving QA notes for verification.
Researching fabricated words.
Trying to keep up with ever-changing allowable jargon and do-not-use list.
I feel MQ is forcing us into $0.01 cpl with all of this BS and sending blanks to QA. Not going to happen here. We are told not to guess at what the dictator is saying....I am not going to guess if QA can get it right either since they do not take into account what QA can't complete...darned if we do and darned if we don't!
Thankfully, I can go back and show them almost exactly why their counts are questionable and not to be taken seriously......Sending back my own "recommendations" wish me luck.