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I was an IC for 20 years before having to work for a service. I hated to have to leave a blank and in the beginning would spend a half hour searching references (pre-internet) not have to leave a blank. This became a habit I find hard to break. Although the MTSOs require you research previous reports to try to get a clue as to what mumble mouth is trying to say, is there really time for that when we have to meet production demands? With good dictators I do 200 to 300 LPH. With horrid dictators I do as little as 125 LPH. I'd love for others to share where you cut corners. If you Internet search for the spellling of Dr. Ramishidpharenishi, what is your time limit? One spelling or the 43 possibilities so youi won't be chewed out by QA? Do you honestly proof, or just quickly look it over? Do you follow their orders to research previous reports by mumble mouth? How can we possiblyi meet production with an entire shift of people who haven't the foggiest idea how to dictated or leave a ton of 3 minute blanks because they never heard of a pause command?
I really appreciate any input a starting a new one soon and dont' want to be fired for not making their even high production demands than the last one.