A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

DEP MT's and ASR productivity statistics - SM

Posted: Nov 11, 2011

Does anyone get emails weekly or every other week with their statistics for DEP and ASR?  I've been getting these and it includes suggestions to get more productivity such as, using left/right arrows, ctrl+shift+left, etc.  It also give me total gross AST activity length, length of time an ASR job is open, length of time spent making changes to an ASR, total inactivity length.  I don't know what to think about this, except that they want more work out of me.

productivity statistics - like I give a crap anymore

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Ive been getting those for the past couple months. Once I figured out that no matter how hard I work I can't get more than minimum wage, I just stopped caring. I have an interview at a hospital on Monday for transcription. Its just an interview, but I am SO relieved to know there are folks who care about our expertise!

They're baaaack - anon

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I got these weekly for 3-4 weeks months ago and then they went away for months. Now they're back, and I even got 2 this week.

I like to think they're trying to help us - which they don't. I don't pay any attention to them. We all know what works best for us.

hospital interview - naturegal

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GOOD FOR YOU -- I hope you get the job and that it's better all the way around!

productivity stats.. - Former MT

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Used to get those, and I actually worked to improve my scores, then it dawned on me, I'd just receive another pay cut, have to work faster, then another pay cut, have to work faster. So glad I left this job.... I'm waiting for the lawsuits to start when folks start dying because of the "robot puke" that is now in their health record. For now my bills are paid with a little left over. Someday MAYBE I'll return to this field in some way, shape, or form.... but not for the Q and not for the peanuts they were tossing me the last few months of my so-called career!

I used to and still do but there's a difference - ExQ

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When I wk'd for the Q, it seemed that if you didn't make perfect 5's you weren't trying hard enough. BS!!! In training for my new employer 3 diff trainers (for diff things) told us not to really worry about it as it doesn't really matter in the long run. We should read the comments to see if there's anything we could do to go quicker, but it doesn't mean squat in reality. Do they still tell you it's best to leave your cursor connected to the VR highlighter?

They refuse to see what REALLY causes some of the stats to be so high - easier to blame us

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If they really understood what caused most of those high stats, they would have to go after their bread and butter and have the hospitals start to hold the doctors responsible to their share of the problem, but until either of them will go after the root of the problems (accents, auctioneers in training, cud chewing,unintelligible speech, we all know the reasons)we will continue to be sacraficed as the scapegoats. Not sure about anyone else but ....... BAAAAA!!!!!

stats - fadingstar

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The only one I look at is the inactivity one and that is because I was already warned about that. When I asked why it was so important if I was already meeting all of my production goals, I didn't get a direct answer just "try to do better." If it's not one thing, it's another. If I was not meeting my production goals and my inactivity number was high, I would think it would be a huge issue. Or if I were paid hourly. Just another flaming hoop to jump through.

not important for you, important for the Q - North MT

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Oh I hear you and believe me those emails are deleted without even being read. I actually started punching out for breaks and then got slammed for inactivity time too. No way to please these folks.

Just so you know awhile back there were some MTs who were PT (only had to produce 100 lph) who would log in to DocQscribe and then work their IC or second job. They switched back and forth, logged in the whole time and then maybe had a power hour or two for the Q making sure at the end of the Q shift they were at 100 lph. Then they ended up making minimum wage for the Q and whatever their second higher paying job paid. Quite a few got busted for working the system and we all know the Q does not like to pay out any more money to its employees than it has to.

to: stats - fadingstar - zyla

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Like one poster said, this stat report is not for our benefit although they say it is to help us improve our production. They're covering their butts by sending it to us so that when it gets down to actively letting go MTs all they have to do is refer to this report and say you were warned. If you're not using all of the keyboard shortcuts and are using the mouse more than they think is allowable, then they will use that as an excuse to say that production would be better but since you're not using the shortcuts and continue to use the mouse then they will say they're losing money, so bye bye baby. What really gets me is their suggestion to limit research -- that just tells you right there that MTs are not the ones coming up with these helpful tips. How many of us have had CCM's who have never been an MT tell us something about how to do our job -- they don't get it, management doesn't get it, and they don't care to get it. They don't value MTs any longer as professionals even though they pretend to.

I just delete and ignore, it is obvious - JMO

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whoever is doing the statistics has no hands-on experience at transcription, espeically ASR, and the numbers are really meaningless as numbers cannot tell the whole story such as research time, bad ASR causing too many corrections, bad dictators, and the list goes on. I think it was a job created for some people, perhaps relatives of top management, who otherwise cannot perform any other task adequately at MQ. JMHO

you are absolutely correct - North MT

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I have stated it before but the name I see come across on the email for those reports is my old QC who was washed up, burned out, terrible at her job and it seems the Q just found her a new position terrorizing the MTs.

ASR productivity stats - curious

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I'm must curious here - I just got 2 of these reports. They really mean nothing to me because I don't know if what I'm seeing is good or bad - but I am curious to know what anybody's says for inactive time. I think mine is high but then again when you think about it everytime you take you foot off the pedal, everytime you look up a word, or spend time in the ADT or client profile you are inactive. So my inactive time for 27 hours of work was about 2.5 hours - is that high compared to everyone else? It says their goal is to reduce or eliminate inative time - well there's no way you'll ever eliminate it

That seems pretty high - sm

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My inactive time is around 1.5 but never over 1.99 for 30 hours.

However, there are factors that affect this, like account type, work type, dictators, whether you are a newer MT, tier level, all of these things will change that number.

The only way to accurately compare the numbers would be to have every employee type the exact same reports for the exact same number of hours. That is the ONLY WAY these numbers can be compared and that will never happen, so these numbers do NOTHING.

Yikes. My inactive time is 6+ hours. I can't - sm

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believe that's right. That's over an hour a day. Could that number be right?
that includes everything though - North MT
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My number is higher than that. Remember that includes all the times you check your email when DocQscribe is open, check this board, research stuff on the internet, answer the phone, etc. As for me, my CCM told me to punch out on the time card everytime I got up from the computer to use the bathroom or take out the dogs but I don't log out of DocuQscribe so I am sure that is why my inactive time is higher. However, my line counts are higher too so I guess in the grand scheme I would rather have bigger paychecks than a shortened inactive time. Remember though this is just another tool to make us feel inadquate and incompetent so just do your best to ignore the dumb reports.

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