A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
This will probably be my final post. As some of you might recall, I graduated with my MD in 2010, and just received notice this week that I will be starting residency in July in Family Medicine. I once again want to reiterate to all of the MTs and QAs out there slaving away for M*Modal that there is no computer in the world that can replace a human brain, that your skills are valuable, and that you are professionals and irreplaceable. My 30 years in medical transcription was invaluable in medical school and made it possible for me to be one of the top students in my class. I firmly believe that the industry will turn around and you will be adequately compensated once again. If not, the skills and knowledge you have gained from this occupation can be used to further yourselves in another area of medicine. Do not be afraid to step out and try to advance yourselves. I will also again state that I will NEVER use voice recognition for my reports, and as long as there is one medical transcriptionist left in the United States, they will have work with me. As soon as I know that I have enough money to make it through to my first paycheck as a doctor I will be submitting my resignation to M*Modal. I once again want to thank all of you for your encouraging words.