Faster! Faster! No mouse clicks allowed! - Incredulous
Posted: Mar 17, 2013
Right when you think MM (Merciless Master) couldn't possibly come up with a new way to add stress to your job, they make you install a software that counts your mouse clicks! My friends who still work in hospitals wouldn't believe this! Okay, I've seen everything in this business now.
I click away... there is proof that every click - burns 1 calorie
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I have to get close to 2100 calories a day, so thats a lot of clicks!
If they're gonna count mouse clicks, then maybe - its time they started paying us for them!
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Not only that, but what they probably spent for this software could've gone towards paying the MTs better. Scum.
Too old for this cat to stop chasing the mouse - sorry, not gonna happen. nm
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mouse clicks - redmaj
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I am really old school I guess. I think (for me anyway) using the mouse is faster!!!!!
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