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Hey where's my mouse pad? - Neglected

Posted: May 21, 2010

Anbody get there's yet?   Guess MT week is over, and still no present.  Oh well.  The Q really knows how to make you feel special.  Undecided

I'll send you mine...if I get it - I dont want it! nm

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Mouse Pad. - Neglected

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It's nothing I need or want. Not sure what the heck I'll do with it.

Have a USMC one that I picked up at my stepson's memorial service several years ago. He was piloting a CH-46 chopper than went down in the first 24 hours of the war. Chopper was older than he was, probably left over from Vietnam. Will NEVER give up my USMC mouse pad. Gold globe and eagle, purple background with lightning bolts. I'm just curious if it will have MQ on it. Just here because of my husband's pre-existing conditions and lots of meds. Maybe we can sell the nouse pads on Ebay for big bucks. Probably costs more to mail than it's worth. Years ago I got 11 cents for an incentive bonus (don't remember if that was for a pay-period, but I think it might have been for 3 months). That about killed any incentive. Seems like every bonus, weekend incentive has a gimmick and end up getting scrooged out of it, so don't even bother to try for extra. Don't expect much of anything from the Q after 13 years.

first, let me just say.... - I dont want it! nm

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THANK YOU for your stepson's service to our country, and my condolences to you on his loss.

I was also wondering if it has the MQ logo. I'll bet it does. I'm just highly disappointed about MT week this year. They did so much to make it great the last couple years, and now nothing. The mouse pad is a joke. I don't even use mouse pads. But to not even mention MT week on MQCentral? Come on!

I'm working on my 9th year, and I've grown accustomed to the disappointments dished out on a regular basis. Still, it's really sad that they don't realize that without us, there is no Q. :(

seems strange - confirmation

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it seems strange to me that they wanted all of us to verify our address by Friday, May 7th so they could get our special gift sent to us, and then can't even get it sent out in the right week!

Got mine yesterday. No MQ logo just "together we can" sm - MQMT

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we can what? Make less money? Yep until big corporations realize it is the workers who make them their money things will never change. Plus what ever happened to treating people the way you want to be treated. Ever think of that MQ?

They didn't even spring for a logo? - mrs.krabs

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Hmmm...CBay or MQ? Couldn't make up their minds. Sounds like brainwashing quote, "Together we can." Do what? Make you bigger bonuses? All go crazy together? Send all the work to India? Get rid of all American MT jobs? Corporate BS.

Maybe they got them used.... left over from some - politician"s campaign trinkets...... n/m

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i was kinda thinking the same thing . . . - thanks

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for not voicing my thoughts exactly.

i meant to say . . . - thanks for voicing my thoughts

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sorry about that, take out the word "not". i obviously have a fried brain. what a goof!!

my mousepad was bent- unusable - NE MT

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Well folks, I guess together we can throw it in the garbage. I can't use mine due to the condition it arrived in. Happy MT week!

Mousepad going into yard sale - mom2huskies

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My mousepad is going into the yard sale I am going to have. Who knows may be I will get a few pennies for it, LOL.

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