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You can look at old reports by pulling up either your reviewed reports or your daily line count, you can just change the date to go back. Might depend on how far back you want to go though. Hope that helps.
Looking up old reports on Bayscribe - the answer is yes and no
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It totally depends on how your particular company has Bayscribe set up for the MT. Not knowing who your company is, I'd say the answer for you is probably no.
You may be able to access your report by date .... - Anemone
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I don't know how many configurations are possible with Bayscribe. However, in a pinch (and it's time consuming), if you know the date, account, report type, and hopefully dictator you can (probably) find an old report by going into, I think it's called "your account" and pulling the reports up from the list of all the reports you typed on a given day. If you're looking to save the text of a particularly challenging report, sometimes they're available in the QA screens.
the HR person interviewing you via phone keeps reminding you he has a lot more interviews to conduct
the questions you e-mailed (and were encouraged to e-mail) to the HR person go unanswered
the HR person says they will decide by Monday and then later states Wednesday, and then later states another date
just my experience of late that I thought I would share
One space to fill in what you'd like to change about the "culture" and if you wanted to go back and add anything well too bad! I wish I had realized there was only that one place to enter comments. I thought there would be something more like what do you not like about your job? etc. ...
Well, I didn't quit. I talked it out with one of the other transcriptionists. It was an extremely busy day, especially for a holiday. I work on two hospital accounts. Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions. I'm gonna hang in a while longer. ...
I have been a MT for 30 yrs. I had to stop working 4 yrs ago due to health issues, then finally had 2 surgeries which pretty much took care of the problem. While I was out on disability I got a grant, went back to an AHDI approved University and took refresher courses in MT fulltime for a year. Now, I'm ready to get back to work. I submitted a resume to M-Modal last week and just read they are not considering me. Is there a way to find out why? I'm a good transcriptionist and I want to ...
back in the day, I took the course at the junior college. The cost was negligible. I'd be really upset if I spent what these schools charge, only to get a job that pays minimum wage. ...
I'll tell you how certain I am that there is NO future in medical transcription... anywyere: Last week a "good" MT job, onsite in a medical clinic, a short drive from where I live, was advertised. I didn't apply.
I work for a big national. I make so little money, I have to raid my savings every month to pay my rent. I've been seeking & applying for MT jobs all over the area, some as far as 80 miles away, and either not hearing back, or being tol ...
and not train me on them, I may not have failed my audit...I really don't care, fire me..Not gonna sweat it, not going to change a single thing I do during the day. End of story, done!!! ...
It's just all I can do to sit here and type these boring reports. Been doing it for 33 years so please, no comments about how I should have investigated it before I got into it. I loved it when it was inhouse. Been home now since 1999 and I'm just so freaking bored. Stop every 5 minutes just to surf the internet or check my email. I cannot keep my mind on this mind-numbing job.
I'm about to start a coding class, but I'm not terribly optimistic t ...
But now I automatically have one?
Even if I don't register, AHDI now has my home address (we JUST moved here a week ago, so they got it directly from MQ). They have my MQ email address (they keep sending me emails).
I feel this is a huge violation of my privacy. I didn't want this stupid membership in the first place, and for MQ to give out my information like that just doesn't seem right at all!
Peed off. ...
After my worst day in a long time or maybe ever, I noticed DQScribe was weird when I tried to log out. Sure enough I checked later and didn't get credit for my last job. Don't know if it went back into the pool or on through to the customer for free. I hate this stupid company. ...
How many thousands of employees does "M*Modal" have and they only gave away 2 Ipads? Let's celebrate!! Wow!! I'm so happy!!
This was at what used to be MQCentral. An email about how they entered all of our names in a drawing. Big woop! ...
I will have to remember to do that tomorrow. Would anyone care to share the next paydate and when this pay period ends? Thank you in advance!
I do have to say having worked for Nuance previously they have MModal beat on providing info to employees. When I hired on with Nuance I got so much paperwork sent to me with info of every kind that there was not one question I could think of that was not covered. That has been a few years back so don't know if they still do that but that was ...
Has anyone ever gone to work for one of the major transcription companies but then decided they did not want the job. More along the lines of doing the new hire and they realizing this is not a company you want to work for? ...
working 2 to 10 p.m. and bed by 11 or 11:30. I usually get up very early, 5 to 6 a.m., do at least an hour of hard exercise plus other hobbies, and try to nap (about 15-20 minutes) before I start work. Otherwise this job is so boring, I can hardly keep my head up after about 2 hours into it. ...
I'm not sure, but it seems to me that this whole issue came around about a year ago, telling us we must install it, and upon looking into it, it was my impression that it would allow MM to track everywhere we go on our computers, so I didn't install it. I asked for a company computer, and the matter was eventually dropped until now. I don't know what to do. ...
I've asked numerous times; all get ignored. I have asked what happens if I can't get my hours in (I'm FT) in any given week (s).....Will I lose my health insurance? She picks and chooses which emails to answer. Any FT'ers who regularly find it next to impossible to get their hours in -- did you lose your benefits? ...
Ever wonder what is going on with the work? Lots of it one day, none the next? You get no answers from anyone on your account? What are you supposed to do? I've about had it. ...
The first report I tried this with, I was able to copy into a Word document. The second tiime I tried to cut and paste, the first report kept showing up. The third time I tried it, the first report copied over the report I had just transcribed and I lost the transcribed report and had to do it all over again. What am I doing wrong. Like some of you, I'm being sooooo careful, going over my reports twice before sending them in, and they're coming back with a bunch ...
Saturdays are usually the busiest day so this doesn't bode well. I guess this just gives me time to test for a company that just emailed me yesterday. There has to be something out there better than this. If my other 2 jobs had enough work for me to go full time I would do it in a heartbeat, but they, unlike this miserable excuse for a company (SoftScript), do NOT overhire so I am just thankful I have the part-time work with them.
Guess tonight it is ice ...
So, MM, don't tell me SR will allow me to be more productive! Because the SR is so horrid, I get more done straight typing. But, MM can't handle the truth. ...
I recently started working for a urologist who in the ad said that work would be daily, Mon-Fri two hours worth and they would be paying by the hour for it. I thought that would fit in great with my schedule. Well a few months later and I get work once or twice a week and they tell me how long it should take (in other words how much they are willing to pay). My last invoice was for about 150.00 for a month. It does not take me long to do it, but I'm not happy that th ...