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what on earth is going on at the Q - why all the new hires

Posted: Apr 08, 2011

Is there a magic prize offered?  Did they land some huge new accounts?  Are they just looking to hire a bunch of even lower paid individuals to start replacing more higher paid?

What is going on?  Why are all these people looking to work here?  They dont know how bad it is, do they?

new hires - a1typist

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Pretty aggravating if you ask me....I have been NJA for 2 days running now. There is no logic to what they do!

MQ - billie

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I was hired for a new account starting up, tier 3.

mq new hire - a1typist

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Is that supposed to make me happy as I sit here with no work available? The Q does a very poor job at covering all its bases. Some areas with too much work and others with none.....very frustrating as I just want to make a living.
If you have NJA on the weekend you are supposed - sm
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to contact the RTLs (regional team leads) and they will assign you work from other regions that need help.
I NEVER have NJA - on the weekends
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Maybe I am in a good region and yes, I have an awesome CCM, but since I started working weekends, I have had some of the best work in over a year and haven't run out once.
NJA on weekends - a1typist
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The weekends is the one time I can count on getting my scheduled time! It is the only time people do not want to work and I take advantage of it. My complaint is the people recently hired for M-F at 10 cents per line!!!
We have no work oftentimes during the T-Th schedule, but they are still hiring? Why are they not specifically hiring for Friday, Saturday and Sunday?
MQ - billiedee
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I was just hired Tuesday through Friday at 10 cpl !! woot, woot!
me too, only I got 11 - ha
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guess your "woot, woot" should be "wah, wah." Could have squeezed more out of them!
new hire cpl at 10 and 11 cpl - what about SR cpl?
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I'm curious because I'm a new hire too, not at that much, but it apparently doesn't matter because most of my work is SR at 4 cpl.
MQ - billiedee
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I doubt you got 11, but if you did I wouldn't cheer too loud because most of it will be 4 cpl for ASR!!
woo hoo!!! - a1typist
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Sounds good on paper, but believe me within 3 months 95-98% of everything you get will be at your VR rate. Hope you got a good rate for VR, you're gonna need it!
is 6.5 good? - never done VR
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Been here 7 years, level 3, 100% on audits, and - I do not make 11.
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Smell a fish.
MQ - billiedee
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Sorry all.....I was hired as a level 3 at 10 cpl. I think the person that said they make 11 cpl is full of it. I am satisfied with 10 cpl. I have quite a bit of experience. I can guarantee that the newbies are NOT starting at this rate.
Bull!! Don't believe you!! - soulshine
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They are trying to dump the trained and experienced - transcriptionists now.
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to hire you at more cpl? I doubt it. It is all about saving money for MQ. hiring newbies at 11 cents a line is not in their best interest.
18 yr veteran of MQ Tier 3 NEVER got 11 cents. sm - nowwhat
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Tier 3 highly skilled, been through all the changes and downgrades. Once you get past "probationary period", regardless of your vast experience, you WILL go to ASR and you WILL get 4 cents a line. Maybe, on a wild situation with very poor dictating docs, you will get a Transcription job. This is the Q, and this was a hiring ploy to get you on. Not that I am going anywhere, I have been here too long and I am too old with health issues to move on. It does make me sad though that some of you new hires are pushing this in us old reliable and loyal MQ employees.
new hire at 10/11 cents - stinks like a troll - nm
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You probably are right. - nm
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this has always been curious to me - mt
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because I started at MQ in 2008 at 11 cpl. I have never had a raise, but it has never gone down either. Tier 3. I do ASR, but for more than 4 cpl, so I don't know what's up with that either.

It seems that the start cpl is really quite variable.

Tier 3, sounds good doesn't it? - sab

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Whether you are tier 3, tier 2 or tier 1.. you will always get paid 0.4 cents per line. The only difference is you will get paid a higher amount if you transcribe, which means you will be transcribing those dictators that do NOT pass the ASR (because they cannot be understood). I am also a tier-3 and a CMT; makes no difference with ASR. We might as well be tier-1.
again, this is an odd statement to me - mt
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most of the op notes I do are transcription as opposed to ASR because of the number of headings, not because they are difficult dictators.

There are times when I look at this board and think that there must be 2 MQ's - one evil and the one I work for. The constant changes are a pain, but this is no different from any other job I have had (not all MT jobs) in that competition for business pretty much demands constant changes to try and grab/keep business.

This is a tough job no matter where you are - you have to put your big girl panties on if you are going to stick with it.

new hires - penelope

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Well, first of all, I not a "lower paid individual" to replace the higher paid ones. I am only PT but I was hired for a new account that started up. No prize offered, but being paid well for my ASR/typing. So it must be something on your end that is causing you to not have NJA. However, I work late, late night, so I have never had a problem with NJA.

new hires -penelope - a1typist

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Enjoy life while it is good....I have been here 11 years and eventually you will not be so lucky. It is very insidious, but they always want more and more for less and less....you go right ahead and think it is "something on your end" because soon you will be on the receiving end too!! LOL - I used to say the same thing.....

Yep I used to think I had the good end also. - no name

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I got to the end alright.

new hires - penelope

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I worked for Q before, for 11 years. I know what they are all about. However, I don't work for them full-time, they are my secondary. The company I work for full time, I LOVE. I have not had any problems with them MQ, my audits have been 99% or higher. I don't believe the 11 CPL. They are just dreaming on that. NOBODY pays that, I don't care how good you think you are. I have been doing this for 38 years. I know Q can be a difficult place to work for, I left the first time because of that, but working parttime puts a better perspective on MQ. I don't run out of work because I work very late hours. I have a Wonderful CCM (my CCM when I quit was horrible, I could never get her to call me and when I quit she was terrible to me) but I guess it depends on who you get and what region you work for. I worked for the East Region years ago, I did NOT like it. The region I work for now, I wouldn't give it up for anything and IF they send me somewhere else, then things could change for me, but right now I have it GOOD.

They acquired Spheris - sab

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MQ is now the largest global medical delivery system. I remember.... working for Medquist in Florham Park, NJ when they were an itsy-bitsy company with lots of local hospitals, plenty of work, GREAT pay. Ahhh.. those were the days. I am still employed by MQ, but the company is in name only. They have a new CEO, a new corporate name and we are now slave labor. Sorry MQ, I'm doing my best to keep you wealthy and be able to support my family. It is an insult to our career and expertise. I would love for the CEO to transcribe and/or edit a STAT acute care report. I vote for the CEO to be on "Undercover Boss".

Undercover Boss - coach47

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AMEN TO THAT! Send our CEO to undercover boss, boy would they see all the crap we have to deal with. I would step right up and share!

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