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Hair zone pillows??? - Fatigued Fingers

Posted: Jun 17, 2011

I swear the doc is saying "hair zone" pillows.  Here is the sentence in its entirety:

Patient is on a pressure redistribution surface already, to be turned q.2 h., elevator "hair zone" pillows.

It's probably something really simple and I'm going to feel so silly.  Embarassed

Could it be... - no1joe

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Elevate his/her head with pillows??

or... - no1joe

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Elevate her (or his if pt is male) heels on pillows.

I know you probably got it by now, but I did LTAC/rehab for years, so it was bugging me : )

Enjoy your weekend

elevator air foam pillows? NM - anon

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pillows - Fatigued Fingers

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I'm still not sure what it was. I'm not that familiar with rehab terminology, but I thank you all for your help.

Could be air cell pillows... inflatable - lou

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Just a guess, but there is such a thing. I am sure you got this already but for future reference maybe.

fingers - let us know if you can, k? - this was a good one. NM

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