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Let's test new theory. What color is your hair - what is your shoe size. Need some humor

Posted: Mar 20, 2014

LOL at this point it seems that anything might play into consideration.

I didn't try for this program but I wonder if those - sending the notifications are laughing

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hysterically reading all these theories.

We probably figured it out 20 theories ago - anon

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And as soon as we get it they change it to something else just to keep us guessing.

"Hey I know! Now let's send out notices to everyone whose name begins with an A ..."

"Oh yeah yeah, and then, and then we can send them out to all the vegetarians!"

Holy smokes ... it's probably something super simple we haven't even thought of yet!

Yes, like maybe they are taking their time and really - mtnsp

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giving each and every applicant thorough consideration, a team of people, comparing all parts of the qualification process. Our scores, maybe even seeing which questions we got wrong and why, our work history, our audit scores. Imagine that. They could be really giving this thought and consideration. And as people are moved one-by-one to the "reject" pile, someone notifies them. Can't you people just stop looking for spins in EVERYTHING? I'm not a cheerleader, trust me. But enough.
Get over yourself, it's nervous energy - anon
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At least we're having fun with our madness, get a sense of humor!
Yikes. Wound up too tight. Take a breath. - Just a little humor to diffuse.
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If they are vetting as detailed as you describe, it would certainly be a first. Maybe BK = new day at Mmodal. There's a positive!

They are probably playing a drinking game - with this board

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Today's word is TSM.

BWAHAHAHA now that is funny right there!!!! - anon

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I seriously busted out laughing at that one, that's hilarious!!

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