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Okay, guess I will show how dumb I am. I am an MT in a in-house office for a urologist. he dictates, I listen and transcribe. i get on here and read everyone fussing about VR. I get that VR is voice recognition...but what is your job? If you are an MT, you have VR, I realize it gets it wrong sometimes but what do you do? Read it to make sure VR gets it right and then make the changes? Just wondering. Any reply appreciated. Thanks!
This is what I dictated using the untrained
The patient was given a Bier block anesthetic.
His left upper extremity was prepped and draped. A curved incision was made paralleling the
thenar crease. The palmar fascia was
identified and divided under direct vision.
The volar carpal ligament was divided and the longus ulnar aspect was divided
under direct vision, also decompressing the canal. The recurrent branch was identified and was completely
intact into thenar muscles. Irrigation was
performed. The skin was closed with nylon. Sterile dressings were applied. The patient did well and was sent to recovery
in good condition.
This is what appeared on the screen:
the patient was given a Bier
block unaesthetic. His left
upper extremity was prepped and draped. A curved incision was made paralleling
the thenar crease. The palmar fashion
was identified and divided under direct vision. The volar carpal ligament was
divided in the longus omer
aspect was divided under direct vision, also decompressing the canal. The
recurrent branch was identified and was completely intact into the thenar
muscles. Irrigation was performed. The skin was close with nylon. Sterile dressings were applied.
My understanding is that hospital-based VR systems would have a LOT more errors than this.