A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

To all of you QA people. - Little Vent

Posted: Feb 08, 2011

I know this is a little thing, but after 2 years it is a little annoying.  Why do you ask MTs to look up physician names and addresses that are not in the database and to send to QA?  You NEVER enter them into the system, not once.  I have kept a list of physician names and addresses that we frequently use that are not in the database.  I send them to QA every time, requesting that they be entered.  I wonder what your response would be if we sent it blank?  Just a little cooperation here, and not expecting any more of you than you would of me.

Thanks.  Have a great day!

Not a QA here, you couldn't pay me enough, - but my first thought was

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depending on the system, perhaps the names and addresses are not in the database because those physicians do not have admitting privileges at the facility in question, and some internal rule prevents them from being put into the database.

If this is indeed the case, it still doesn't excuse your QA staff from not EXPLAINING that to you....

My company now forbids us to make our own samples - of difficult dictators, even if we are - s/m

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HIPAA compliant and remove all personal info: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. So now we depend on the company's database more than ever for samples, doctor names and addresses of those they send copies to, and so on. Yet the database is rarely ever updated, and often their samples are incorrect, as well. What I would like to know is, why don't these companies hire someone whose sole job it is to keep the MD information and sample database up to date? It would likely be a full-time job, too, as that information changes daily. But it would make our work a lot more accurate, and likely a lot less would have to go through QA.

How can they forbid what you keep on your own computer? - Personal Database

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Unless you are using their computer and they can track everything you do on it ... what they don't know you have is none of their beezwax.
They installed software that allows them to - see whats on our PCs.
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You are kidding me-unless it is a company computer, they don't have any right - memt
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looking at your computer through some software they installed. However, if I recall there is some sort of HIPPA issue with copying and pasting into reports that is a no-no. Talk about micromanaging-do you have a webcam on your computer too! I would never allow what you described above, unless of course it is a company computer, then it is theirs and I guess they can do whatever they want to. Boy, would I be saving for my own computer in that case. YIKES!
Why on earth would you allow anyone into your computer? - Again - craziness!
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Like she said - if it is the company computer, fine, whatever. But on your own personal PC?

No. Way.
It's in their software, which of course I have to have - in order to work. They also - sm
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monitor MT Stars & similar sites, which they would prefer we not visit. And yes, it's MY computer. Which is why of course I DO visit this site, and will say anything I please. As long as I own the PC and pay the bills for broadband connection, then I'll say anything I d****d well please.
With respect, I think you should look for another job - You may already be doing so - sm
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If it's your PC, then they have no legal or ethical reason to be monitoring your use. Personally, I would not accept that kind of violation of my rights, and I encourage you to find a way out of the situation. I know it's probably a choice between having a job or not having one, but maybe a new job will turn up soon. Good luck.
Yes, I have been for over a year. Meanwhile, I ignore - their rules and say what I want.
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Let them fire me. I would make more money on UE, anyway.

Samples - Anon

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Buy an external drive (they're not that expensive) and copy/paste samples to it to print them. I wouldn't keep the external drive attached to your computer though, just attach it when you want to print a sample, then immediately detach it. You don't want them to see that drive if they're spying on you.
I plug in the external drive, copy the - Just me
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sample, normal, standard, whatever you call it onto the computer, then unplug the drive. That way I can look at that sample or insert the "normal" for the report without having to print it and they cannot see what is on the external drive unless they happen to be spying at that moment, which is doubtful they spy on everyone every second they are working.
Could they see into ext. HD? Or do they just know it - is there?
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I don't know what you mean, but all they - Just me
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are looking for are patient reports or any confidential company/hospital/patient information saved on the computer (saving standards of reports is not allowed) at my company. I have my standards and samples on a flash/thumb drive and it is very quick and easy to get them that way without saving anything to the computer itself. They cannot prevent you from using a flash drive on your personal computer. They can, however, see that you have used a flash drive if they look deep enough, which I doubt they do. I think all they are concerned about is having patient information saved to your computer. If HIPAA were really serious about patient information being compromised, there should be a law that MT companies provide company computers to their at-home MTs.

Personally, I think HIPAA as it pertains to MTs and MT companies is a big joke with offshoring and MTs working from home, where anyone can have access to patient records. How many companies go into each and every MT home to assure work environment is secure? How many MTs have their computers where anyone in the house can see/hear what is being dictated? How much of your personal medical information is out there on multiple computers and laptops all over the world? Big joke.
That's a great idea, but you know what? They don't - pay me enough to go through all - sm
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that rigamaroll. I just make do with what little samples they provide, and send blanks when the info. can't be found.
Oohh, sneaky. I like it. - nm
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What platform/software? I want to know just what can it - see? In folders, surfing history, SM

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software, hardware? Just what?
I know they can see folders and such, because they - did a "scan" of our computers recently - sm
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and although they claimed to be looking at only our PC's "capabilities", I sat there as it was being done, and I saw it look in everything.

They read this board frequently, looking for someone spilling some of their precious "secrets". They quote this board often in their meetings.

I just don't have the time to care. I work hard. I surf hard. If they have a problem with that, then they're welcome to send me (FREE, of course) a brand-new, company PC that's for work only. Which is probably what they should've done in the first place, if they're that scared.

Is this a bluff by MTSO. Heck, a man might go to prison - for looking in GF email!! SM

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There has to be some type of privacy issues going on here. And if this WAS necessary, why arent ALL MTSO doing it? Orrrrr, maybe they are and they just dont tell us. Now, this is exactly the kind of thinking that gets me in trouble.

I'm not a lawyer, nor do I - play one on TV

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but if you own the computer, I don't think they have any fleeping right to see what's on it. Period. How about YOUR privacy??

Totally agree with external hard drive trick for saving samples.

I don't think it is legal if it is your own PC. When I was at A---- (sm) - Yochana

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they were demanding we install a software program that detailed what was on our PCs for tech (India techs, mind you) purposes. I googled the program and it said it was capable of decrypting all passwords, etc. About 20 MTs (me included) refused to do this. The VP got on the message board and threatened to shut off our work if we didn't comply. Then the next day the message was gone and managers were saying we didn't have to do it. By that time I had resigned.

samples and HIPAA - anon

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I believe I work for the same company, this has always been their stance. I think it is ridiculous. Having said that, it is their computer and software. The way I get around it is to create normals for these difficult dictators (allowed) for PE/ROS as well as different procedures.

Their samples are for the most part VERY outdated. I have requested several very difficult dictators be added to no avail. I keep notes on each account for physician's names that I had to look up (that frequently receive cc but are not in the physician database).

Then, you get into a whole other can of worms when these horrible dictations come through speech wreck. I have had some that were less than 10% correctly done by speech wreck. We are supposed to use the correct words in these reports and just use edits so the speech machine can "learn" Well if I want to make less than minimum wage that is fine, I'll risk their wrath and pull in my normals in this case.

It was reason given to send to QA in the 1st place, so they could update. - But they never do. NM

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