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Several of us had interviews today or recently...How did you do? Here's my experience... - MTJ

Posted: May 30, 2013

I had an overall positive experience; however, I wish I'd said a couple things more smoothly and thought of a couple more questions to ask (I did ask a few).  Still, for my first interview in years, I think it went well, and I sold myself pretty strongly, too.  I thought I'd share the main questions that came up and how I attempted to handle them: 

Questions I got were (these aren't in order):

Why do you think you'll be a fit?  (I said I was "uniquely qualified" because I had both a strong medical background (as a medical transcriptionist) and also proficient computer skills (not in those exact words, but similar).  The company had stressed both areas in their ad.

What do you know, or is your understanding, about this position?  (Basically, I described what I'd read in their ad and website.)

How knowledgeable are you working with computers?  (This is my other strong suit, and I told I am computer savvy and provided examples of why I think this.)

Tell me about yourself.  (This is where I shined as I had practiced, but not memorized what to say.  I kept my answer fairly brief, but I started with my schooling, emphasized my gpa and course work, then moved into relevant work history, included a brief example of what I did as a team player on previous jobs, and even added in my volunteer work as it is related.  The interviewer seemed very, very happy.)

Anyway, I don't know if I'll get the job, but it was a good experience and next time I don't think I'll be quite so nervous!  I have to say that I'm over the moon hopeful and excited to possibly land this, but also to get out into the world again.  I never realized how very worn down I was feeling until the prospect of moving into something else presented itself... 

You will always - Second guess yourself

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I was suprised at how "out of the interview" loop I was. I had been an MT for 15 years before quitting in December. Prior to that, I did mostly secretarial work and was proficient at interviews and almost always got the position I was seeking.

If you don't get the job, don't second guess yourself. There are always woulda, coulda, shoulda's out there!

Sounds like you shined!

I hate interviews - dont want to do anymore

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after the last one, which I bombed, I swore I would not do anymore. These were for non-MT jobs.

Once read to try to consider a poor interview - as a positive experience. sm

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The more interviews you go on, the more confident and savvy you get at them. The fear of the unknown starts to dissipate. Obviously it is no fun getting rejected, but I applaud you for having the courage to go out and try in the first place. I do hope you try again. Hey, if anything, it gets you out of the house, right?

How do you know - You bombed?

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How do you know you bombed? If you didn't get the job, it doesn't mean you bombed. It could mean any number of things, having nothing to do with your interview. Don't give up on that, please.

We must keep in mind that there are different interview styles by managers. Some are VERY formal, and those are actually the hardest interviews. I "bombed" one of those and decided not to feel bad. It was almost as if they were expecting cookie-cutter answers.

My best interviewer (and I got the job) was someone who basically just chatted! I loved it. In retrospect (a week later), I realized that he got everything he needed out of me without asking specific questions. Example: He said, "Gosh, I take my children out for pancakes, and it can be embarrassing because they start acting up." I just casually responded "Heck, I'm sure the pancake house is used to that, kids are kids and that's their job." I realized after the fact that he was trying to see how I feel about small children, as this job would require having small children having x-rays and things. He didn't ask "So, do you like children?"

My point is, part of getting the job is the interviewers style,too.

It could also be they decided to hire within. It could be (unfortunately) they had to play the race card, as we call it. Someone not as qualified, but they're a certain race so they have to hire them. The list can go on and on, but we humans tend to blame ourselves.

Anyway, don't give up. Keep at it.

One of those YouTube videos made an excellent point: - MTJ

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There are no bad candidates, only the wrong "fit" for a job. Plus, in my opinion, it's sometimes probably just miscommunication, and the person might have been great.

Please don't give up or be so hard on yourself! It's tough, but I think with practice/experience, the interviewing process can be less daunting.

Mine went well. It was not as formal an - interview as I had

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expected. I did come prepared in a suit with a tailor-made resume. The manager did hit me with the "tell me about yourself," and thanks to the links posted below, I knew how to answer. She asked me how much money I wanted/hour and she didn't flinch. She is going to call me tomorrow and see about getting me in to meet the doctor (her husband).

Wow! Sounds like you've got the job! - MTJ

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That's fantastic! The tips are helping me, too. I'm incredibly nervous and somewhat shy, so it's very tough to interview. I almost backed out twice, but then I got my courage up and just went for it. I think going over the possible tough questions ahead of time really helps.

Good for you! - That took courage

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All People-

Mind you that many of these job people who are interviewing you are not necessarily looking for the technical qualifications! They are trying to get a feel for how you would fit in with their client force and their work force. Often, the technical part of the training is the least of their worries.

This is the best time to just be yourself! Let yourself shine.
Let your personality - Show
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I think sometimes we get too stiff on interviews. Show a little bit of your personality, whatever the strong point is: Sense of humor, easy-going nature; compassion. Just don't ham it up too much.

Guys! I woke up to a JOB OFFER!!!! - MTJ

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I really think that practicing my answers to some of the tougher, frequently asked interview questions really helped!

I now have to do my paperwork and get shot records, TB skin test, etc., before starting, but I'm on Cloud 9!!!!!

Congrats! nm - Fist bump.

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: )

great! - what is the job?

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very happy for you.

Yay you!! Best of luck to you! You will - do great!

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I got a call back for a second interview on Monday but have lost my nerve. Worrying about juggling child care and other things. If they offer me the job, I will take it, but I have cold feet right now. I will see how the second interview goes.

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