A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

To those who have recently been bought by MQ and still - shortcake

Posted: Dec 07, 2011

working on your accounts from your bought-out company, are you consistently running out of work? We were told things would not change for a while but I'm running out of work all the time.  I tried to apply for SUI this morning online but with this particular situation, I could not answer some questions to complete application so  I have to go down there, which I am getting ready to do.  I don't want to quit but this is getting extremely frustrating punching in and not having anything to do and not getting paid.  For the 1st time (since the last time I worked for MQ),  I cannot pay my mortgage payment, and then there is Christmas around the corner.  At least a lay off would ensure SUI benefits until I find something else.  This is just crazy......

Reply - HiThere

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My company was bought out by MQ a few months ago and I still consistently have work (and a lot of it). However, I was told when we switched over that the accounts we type for have the option of not moving with us over to MQ. In my case, my favorite accounts seemed to have been moved offshore.

Came to MQ with the eTrans acquisition. For about the past 2-3 - wannie

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weeks, I have consistently run out of work. Out of the 4-1/2 hours I should have right now, I've had less than a hour of work today.

What about the ppl scheduled to work tonight? You are - taking jobs they are counting on. nm

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nm - wannie

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then complain to your ccm that they - dont provide work

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When you have to work available during your shift, you are allowed to go on "whenever you can" to get more. It is not the OPs fault that she has no work and has to work all different shifts. Man, how would you feel if you had only a half hour of work today???
nm - wannie
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You cant help no work on your schedule? Sure you can. Change - your schedule. nm
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whether she changes her schedule to that shift or works it anyway - still getting your work
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So why not leave her alone? She needs work just like you do. Her company was bought, her work dried up and she has bills to. Blame the Q. DO NOT BLAME this MT for working when she needs to.
But if she is scheduled to work when jobs are there, at - least other MTs will not be expecting
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to get X number of jobs only to log on and find that amount reduced. At least with scheduled to work a shift, then all on that shift know how much work they can reasonably expect. Btw, I AM a bought out squidlette so she is no worse off than I am.
Do it the RIGHT WAY and follow protocol - stop stealing work
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That may be true but she is infringing on those of us who are being provided for by working OUR scheduled hours. Those of us with the work ethic to show up every day for our crummy little 2nd and 3rd shift work are being penalized because we're expected to accommodate someone NEW TO OUR ACCOUNT? I don't think so.

If she isn't happy with her shift then she needs to work with her CCM to find out where/when the help is needed so she can fit into a place where her help is warranted - those of us who have had the same accounts and schedule forEVER shouldn't be expected to "move over" because someone new is having a tough time getting her little lines in. Do things the RIGHT WAY - work with your CCM. Don't take the hours and lines away from the established people on that shift.
what? So she has no work ethic because she has no work? - her company was bought out!
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Dont accuse her of STEALING WORK. I know the policy in my area is TO FLEX TIME when there is now work but it is mandatory to get in 24 hours.... MANDATORY. My CCM MAKES US WORK OTHER SHIFTS to get in the work.

Do not accuse this person of having no work ethic becuase THE COMPANY is not PROVIDING HER WORK. THEY PROBABLY SHIFTED HER WORK OVERSEAS! You cannot be this ignorant! Get over yourself.
All I am saying is then she should change her schedule - to work when there is work. SM
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No log on to anothers shift to take work they are expecting to do.
She wants her cake and to eat mine, too. - nm
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But it IS STEALING work if you are not scheduled - to work that shift
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Working outside of your schedule without your CCM's approval IS STEALING WORK.

Rationalize it however you want to but if you are not scheduled to work, then selfishly snatching work from people who are SCHEDULED is STEALING WORK. The right thing to do is work with her CCM to find out where there are voids in the schedule and work at a time when she is NEEDED. Maybe that will be at 2:00 in the morning. Maybe it will be working both weekend days. Working whenever you damn well please just to get YOUR lines in isn't fair to those who show up for their schedule and work their assigned shift every single day. If she's not making her lines then she needs to cash in some PTO just like the rest of us.

Any way you look at it, it's just SELFISH.
........ - sweetestpea62
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we are "showing up for work" when we are supposed to. The work isn't there. So, we're just supposed to back down and not get our lines in. We HAD a schedule too.
YES or change your committed schedule to work the - shifts that have work, (usually crappy shift) nm
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YES, actually you ARE supposed to do that - anon
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YES YOU ARE supposed to do that. OR work with your CCM to find a time when she needs help OR if none of those times work for you,you can cash in your PTO just like the rest of us. That way you're not robbing work from other MTs who are also scraping for work.

nm. - wannie
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Mom,' If you were told to jump off a bridge, would you? - nm
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You need to read the guidelines for "flexing" - it has to be SCHEDULED
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But Medquist guidelines are that you have to SCHEDULE your flex time for a time that you are needed and for a time that your CCM approves based on work flow - not flex it whenever you damn well want to. It has to be SCHEDULED just like the rest of us flexing our schedule to take vacations, making up sick time, etc. The same rules apply to everyone.
that depends on CCM - they do whatever they want
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Dont know where you get your rules, but my CCM tells us to work when you can to get lines in when there is no work. She doesnt have time to reschedule all of us when there is no work.
guidelines - sm
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also say I should have work on my shift and if I don't and get switched to new shift and there is no work there, then what? Should I just sit there waiting for them to hand me a few crumbs. I think not. You go ahead and sit around and wait for work and don't earn a paycheck. Well, if the company can't follow rules, why should we. They promise me work and give me none. They move me and then send that work to India and I'm without work again. Then where do I go? Should I just sit there and use the time I earned for something that is their fault. I think not. Guidelines went out the door when our work went out of the country.
MQ screws you so that makes it right for you to screw your - sister MTs? Tsk, Tsk. nm
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I'm afraid you will have to - sm
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take that up with the company. They promised me work, just like they did everybody and then sent our work to India and we have to fight for scraps. If they gave me a schedule where I could get my work in, I would stick to it. If you want to pay my bills, I will sit here and get nothing.
Such a sense of entitlement - mindboggling
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It's really funny to me how some people can so easily "rationalize" their self-centeredness. The only reaction suitable for people with your level of self-entitlement is to shake my head. To talk to people like you about protocol, consideration for other people in your world and moral integrity is only a waste of time. It's kind of like trying to reason with a drunk - it just can't be done.
Right back at ya - nm
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Such an intelligent retort. LOL Really??? - nm
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I'm starting to smell a troll - Nobody respond please
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Because you already responded once to this post. At first you just seemed a little incoherent but now you're just plain obnoxious. I think you're buzzing around this thread posting inflammatory remarks just to fire things back up again.

I'm starting to smell a troll.
Oh, puleeze. Take your name calling elsewhere. Who - cares what you call someone else?nm
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There are no voids - sm
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There has to be work to have voids. They do not have enough work for all of us. Don't you get it! I have worked nights and both weekend days and there is no work. There is no work 24/7 for all the people they have. They overhire and send the work overseas. WAKE UP! There are no shifts where work is abundant.
Maybe you could ask to be switched to a different region? - My region has work every day
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I haven't been out of work for YEARS and in fact my CCM is constantly asking us to pitch in and work nights or weekends to help keep the work in contract. If your region is out of work that often, there are many other regions to choose from that have plenty of work; if not during your regular shift, then another shift or day where the help is needed. Your region, or your account, may be out of work but the entire company isn't - trust me, I wish I could have a break once in a while.
My region used to be like that - sm
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too. Then came point and click. Very happy for you and hope it stays that way for you. I have a feeling with all the mergers and more work going to India and point and click, we will all be in the same boat. Very sad.
stealing work - sweetestpea
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we didn't ask to be bought out. why should we have to "bend" our schedules so as not to "interfere" with YOUR little lines?
Because you're a newcomer - no way we're changing - our schedules to accommodate you
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Uh, because you're the new guy? Sorry but that's just how it works in the real world. I've had my same schedule and my same accounts for over a DECADE so when you come over to an established account the old-timers don't accommodate the new comers it's the other way around. You can't just expect to come into a company (howEVER you got there) and expect everyone to give up their established schedule and account to accommodate you. It doesn't work that way.
uhhhhh - sweetestpea
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I'm still on my old accounts. There are Q MTs on my accounts..... just sayin.
It doesn't matter - your old accounts are owned - by MQ now
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When MQ bought your company, your accounts were bought too so established MQ MTs were put on your account to work on now. It's the nature of the beast - when you come over to a new company, you blend to mesh with THEIR established employees - they don't blend to mesh with YOU.
What a nice caring group of co-workers we have here at MQ. How lucky we are! - shortcake
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We were. Until bought outs came and started stealing - our lines. nm
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This is the gist of it - MME100
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You didn't walk into "eutopia", shortcake. Even those of us who have worked with Medquist forEVER scratch, bite, and claw for every line we get and some of us have worked hard for YEARS to have the accounts and schedule we have. When someone new comes in and takes liberties with something we've all had to WORK FOR without following protocol they're going to get bitten. You can't come in grabbing lines from people who are scheduled a certain shift just to selfishly demand YOUR lines when the work flow just can't sustain it. And if your CCM says no to a shift change, that is usually for a very good reason so to do it anyway is grounds for disciplinary action.

Medquist is a very difficult company to work for. If your schedule doesn't provide you enough work because established MQ employees have been given first dibs then change your schedule. Work the sucky shift if you have to in order to get your lines in. Long-established MQ employees will ALWAYS be provided for first and given preferential accounts and schedules because that's just how business works. If we were working in an office environment if there weren't enough desks to sit at you couldn't come in demanding people to get up so you can sit down - you would be expected to sit on the floor if you had to until something became available. Consider our LINES our DESKS.

Some lessons come hard and if you think we're harsh, watch what happens when your CCM finds you working out of schedule. Any way you look at it, you are expected to follow protocol just like everyone else.
Ok, when did I say I worked outside my schedule? Also, if we worked in an office setting, - shortcake
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I would be getting paid for time spent "waiting for work" during my shift. Also, I am sorry to say that I am well aware what kind of company MQ is because I worked for them for 7 years prior to leaving because of the same crap I'm getting now. Also, I AM NOT ON MQ's platform yet and I have not been assigned any other accts except the ones that I worked on with my bought-out company, so whether I work during my schedule or outside of my schedule, I am not stealing your work. Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said I worked outside my schedule. Also, I have always followed protocol so would appreciate it again if you would stop putting words in my mouth.
Cool down, shortie. It is just hard to keep straight who posts what. - We know you arent the theif. nm
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I think that would be "thief." nm - just passing through
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If you want to pay me my editor rate, I will clean - up any mistakes in my posts. nm
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I think I hear violins - sm
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I've been with the company for years, do a good job, pass my audits and get the shaft like most of us do. You go ahead and follow protocol. I'm following what my CCM told me to do. Go where the work is. If you think just because YOU have accounts that YOU have had for years and they should be sacred, you better wake up. You are no better than other people who have had long-time accounts and then the work is gone. What a joke, "MQ employees will ALWAYS be provided for first and given preferential accounts and schedules." Where did you come up with that?
MQ employees ARE provided for, MQ employess in - India, that is. nm
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They didn't - sm
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make the schedules and put themselves on your accounts, the company did that. Maybe they had regular accounts that they would rather be on also, but were put on your account where no help was needed because their job went to India. Maybe they have bills too. Good for you for having an account for over a decade. Many of us have and it went to India and we were thrown to the wolves. What makes you think you are so special?
Read all thread. About logging on OFF schdule to steal lines. - Not working shedule but getting no work. nm
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MT who you are taking from, also didnt ask you to be - bought out & then take her lines. nm
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Boy, MQ really has hardened some of you people. You are beginning to think - shortcake
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just like the greedy cold-hearted people who run this company. We do have a schedule and I know that for now I do still have my own accts from my old company and I have not been "integrated" with MQ yet. I only work out of my schedule with permission from my manager, and I do not have a CCM (or whatever MQ is calling it this week) to speak with. Geesh, you need a chill pill!!
And Q has hardened some to think it is okay to take - work that others are expecting. nm
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I do not think it is ok to take other's work and I do not work outside my schedule w/o permissi - shortcake
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What do you think - sm
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many are saying? They are telling us to go outside our shifts to find work.
If it wasn't so utterly selfish it might just be funny - anon2
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Boyyyyy, and some of the new people have had it so comfy cushy for so long that they just come over to a new company with such a sense of "entitlement" to snatch whatever THEY need regardless if the supply meets their demand and to hell with everyone else and the rest of us who had to work up the ladder for our schedule and accounts need to just move over so THEY can keep feeling comfy cushy by getting all their lines in. Wow. Just, wow.
Wow. Just, wow. You've got to be kidding me, really??? - shortcake
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wannie and shortcake - SM
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I am so sorry that you are being treated this way by so called fellow MTs. I do understand that your companies were bought out, as I also had my company bought out many years ago by the Q. I have lost so many accounts over the years, have been shoved on different shifts by the CCM (supervisor), told to work different days, still did not help. Now I am the elite bouncer, and just jump from one hospital to the next all day, across the regions. I know in my region, the policy told to me was "Do what you have to do to get in your 24 hours minimum." After that, I filed for unemployment until I had enough work again.

There are obviously a lot of sad, hurt and frustrated MTs that work here. Dont let them get to you both. I pray that you get some work soon to help support your families. How awful at this time of year especially that this company could treat you so badly.
Maybe wannie is stealing from shortcake??? - nm
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nm - wannie
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You really should - sm
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wake up. There is not enough work on any shift for anybody. People should be assigned to accounts, not shifts. Kind of like in a hospital. They only have as many transcriptionists as they need. With this company, you are given all kinds of accounts and backups and backups to backups. This company is so disorganized. They also overstaff so much. One reason of course is that they treat their employees like crap and can't keep them, so they just keep hiring so that the gap will be filled in when people quit. They just assign new people to any account whether they need help or not, then everybody runs out of work. They send most of the work to India and shove the people that had those accounts on other's accounts, again, not enough work for everybody. Just face the fact that you have to just grab work when you can and don't worry about your shift. You can thank management for that. Don't blame people trying to get work that they were promised.
You'd better be careful saying that on here. Somebody will eat you - wannie
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for lunch, lol.
So petition Q bout changing how they do things & - dont blame me for wanting to keep sm
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the jobs on the shift I am committed to. If you want to log on when the jobs are there, change your schedule so you, too, can work the crappy shift all the time.
I do work the crappy shift - sm
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there is no work. I have worked every shift there is and run out of work on every one of them because they are overstaffed and send the work to India. I just do what I have to do to get work now.
Yeah, and to HELL with everyone working that shift - right? n/m
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What are you talking about - sm
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I was scheduled to work every shift out there at one time or another. You really need to wake up. If you do not experience shortage of work on your shift, just wait. If your region doesn't run short of work, just wait. Accounts will go away and they will overhire and you will be in the same boat as most of us.
Not as bad as I would knowing my sister MTs are taking work - I am counting on. nm
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No, Wannie should be one complaining or changing her - shift to work when there is work. SM
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I am guessing work is there at a time MT didnt want to work a fixed schedule. So, work her preferred schedule when she can and work the times she doesnt want to commit to when she needs the lines. And whatcha wanna bet, those lines she needs are there on the late 2nd or 3rd shift, times she only will work if she absolutely has to.
We wouldn't DARE work outside our schedule - in MY region
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Wow ... working outside of my schedule in my region is unheard of. My CCM dings us HARD when we take work from other MTs. That's why most of us are living on our PTO to supplement our income. I wish every other CCM was that strict because maybe those of us who signed on to do the "less desirable" hours would stop having work snagged out from under us by those selfishly scrambling to get THEIR hours in.

I think I'm going to log a complaint - the rest of you should to so that those who aren't scheduled to work get their hands slapped just like us. I feel the same about "line snatchers" as I do about "cherry pickers" because people who do either, are all about "me".
sounds like you are all about me - not wannie
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Have you ever thought that the CCM has not allowed her to change shifts?
Doubt that. She already said she didnt want to - change her shift. sm
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And how is My region all about herself? She is working when she is scheduled, working that not so desirable shift that nobody else wants to commit to. S
Then that's the answer then - DEAL
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How does that translate to "I'm going to log on whenever I want and work regardless, and to hell with everyone else?" If her CCM said no to changing schedules then it sounds like her help pretty much isn't needed at that time then and she has no business working anyway. My CCM literally picks up the phone and tells unscheduled people to log off if she catches them working out of schedule and for all Medquist's problems it's the one thing I applaud them for.

Medquist and every other MTSO schedules people according to the available work flow - they don't need 3 extra people logging on out of schedule if the work flow at that time only warrants 2 people. That's crazy. How can someone justify stealing work from other people just because they need THEIR hours and lines?
You're right about one thing - sm
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Three extra people shouldn't be on an account that only needs two people. Why don't you tell that to the company. They are the ones that keep hiring and overstaffing accounts. LOL to the "Medquist and every other MTSO schedules people according to the available work flow." You really do need to take those blinders off.
how do you know - maybe someone is taking her work
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Maybe some third shifter is working first shift taking her lines...

You dont know.
And how does that make it right that she is then taking - jobs others are counting on? SM
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Two wrongs dont make a right.

I've had 1 hour so far in 5 hours. I'm just wondering - shortcake

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how long an employer can hold you on as an employee without providing you work or pay. I've come to the realization that I have to find another job but I do not want to quit this one and not collect unemployment. I think it may take a while to find a job (not in the MT field, NO WAY!!!) and I need to bring in something to supplement income. I hope things look up for you. I just wish MQ didn't even exist!!!! I really loved my job before September........

Same here. I, for the most part, really enjoyed my job - wannie

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before October. I had worked for MQ in the past and left because of lack of work.

How would you feel if unscheduled MT was working your - shift and taking some of the SM

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jobs you were expecting to work for those other 4 hours you were sitting there? What if unscheduled MT logged on and that hour or work you got became 30 minutes of work you got?
Apparently this practice is AOK with them - anon
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Apparently, they would be FINE with it otherwise they wouldn't be doing it to other people. How selfish can a person get?
Apparently not as previous poster had said her - CCM does not allowing it. nm
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If her CCM doesn't allow it then SHE DOESN'T WORK - MME
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If her CCM says she can't change her schedule then how does that translate to her "I'm going to work whenever I damn well please anyway?" Is there something about the fact that her CCM is her SUPERVISOR that she's not quite grasping? Her decision is FINAL.

You have to work within PROTOCOL in order to get your lines in - to snatch them regardless of what your CCM mandates is insubordination and grounds to be written up.
What part of - sm
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protocol does not work do you not understand? What do you think caused people to go outside their shifts? There is no work on their shifts, so they were told to go on when there is work. If my CCM told me I couldn't go outside my shift, I would tell her that she should have her pay cut like mine and not get paid when there is no work on my shift and either she get me work or I will go on when there is work. That's right, it is all about me. I am the one who has to pay my bills. By the way, I was told to go outside my shift to find work and I still have PT time because I didn't have to use it all up from sitting without work. It's not necessarily going outside of your shift, it is overstaffing on accounts and sending work overseas and taking people that lost accounts and putting them where there is no help needed. Don't you get it!
No, they don't get it. Obviously, they missed the part of my posts - wannie
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I said I was only doing what I was told to do. I don't work outside my shift WITHOUT PERMISSION. Was told the same thing again today, to get my hours in whenever
I can.
Nope, didnt miss all posts. Just think it wrong to steal lines - and CCM okay doesnt make it right. nm
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That's about the same as working a back-up account. That - wannie
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back-up account is somebody else's primary. So, when you work your CCM-assigned back-up account your stealing lines from somebody else's primary account.
It is all decided by the CCM according to work flow - MME
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The CCM changes your "back up account" to your "primary account" as work flow dictates - she would never be so foolish as to allow employees to just log on one day and work their back-up account. All of this is taken into consideration when back-up accounts are assigned.
My CCM has never changed my back-up to my primary. - wannie
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I have one primary account and 6 other hospitals/clinics that are back-ups. My CCM does not change my primary from day to day depending on work flow. She doesn't have time to do that. She's a busy lady. She just knows that I have sense enough to go to one of many back-ups when my primary runs dry.
Oh that's right you're not fully integrated yet - LOL
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Oh I keep forgetting, you're not on the Medquist software yet. Maybe you have this capability for now, but if you are ever added to the DocQscribe software, you won't have it for long. Better steal the lines while you can. (wink)
The policy on MQ Central even says we can make up - wannie
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time if our CCM approves it. You people really need to get a grip and stop being so judgmental and quick to accuse people of stealing and calling them a thief. My guess is that nobody who has had anything to say in this thread has not at some time made up for time they missed. And, yes, I have used what little PTO time I have to cover missed time.

The policy states the following:
Make up time: If the Employee decides to make up the time for the hours not worked for the remainder of their scheduled shift, they should inform their Customer Care Manager as to when the time will be made up.
Wrong is wrong, regardless of policy, permission, - usual practices, authorizaton, etc. nm
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LOL keep dreaming! - nm
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Amen - what a thread
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The analogy that comes to mind is that it's kind of like, there being a small amount of food on a desert island for a big crowd of hungry people and watching the self-centered ones pushing and shoving people out of the way who are patiently standing in line just to make a mad dash face down into the entire food supply just so they get what THEY need and to hell with anyone else.

Everyone keeps saying we are all in this together and yes we are - the difference is that there are people here so selfish that they are willing to trample over everyone else just to get THEIR lines in regardless if it's right, ethical, or even considerate. The selfishness I've read over this thread is a GREAT example of human greed - absolute selfishness without any consideration for anyone else but yourself. Just be careful not to knock down any old ladies or trample any little children while you're getting your lines in, guys.
It's not stealing - sm
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Do you own the accounts? I believe MQ does and they have created the situation of people fighting over work. You really should get a grip on yourself. Why is it not right if CCM tells you to do it, but it is right if CCM tells you not to do it? Many were promised work and don't get it, so don't preach about protocol. They went back on their promise to us to give us work during our shift. If our CCM tells us to go on another time to make up work, then that is what we are going to do until you start paying our bills.
You seem to have an anger issue that isn't related to - your work flow at all
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You DO realize you're the only one still pissed off enough to keep spouting off in this thread, don't you?

You seem kind of like a loose cannon to me.
If you say so - sm
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I just have not been on here and am just now reading these posts and am responding to them. If you don't like it, don't read them. Everybody is not on here when a post first starts, so they go through the posts when they are here and then respond to them. That is how chat sites work.
Stealing is stealing, no matter who says it is not. Deal with - it, you are a thief. nm
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I know how I feel when there is no work during my shift. I show up - shortcake
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every single day to start my shift ready, willing and able to work my entire shift and since MQ bought me there has not been enough work to get my shift in. Where is it going? How do I feel about showing up for work every day and not having any work and not being paid: NOT VERY GOOD. I don't give a rat's behind why there is no work; if there is no work, lay me off!!!!
Never will they lay you off and then pay UE. Never. - PS, your work is going OS. Look in Docmanage. nm
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I'm dropping a line to my CCM right now - anon2

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Whoever is logging on out of schedule taking lines from established MTs better hope they're not pulling this in MY region. I'm contacting my CCM right now so she can keep an eye open for you. You might regret being so open about your selfishness because that little door might be getting slammed shut on you as we speak.

nm - wannie

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tattletale - grow up

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oooohhh... go tell the boss.. DUH! The boss is the one that told her to work whenever! The OP is not selfish, she was told to FLEX HER HOURS BY HER CCM.

No wonder ASR doesn't learn, you people cannot read!

You go right ahead - sm

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Most people are not able to work their shifts and get work when they can. It is not their fault, it's the company. If they knew how to schedule and not over-schedule accounts, they wouldn't have that problem. If you want to sit there through your shift and not get work, go for it. Me, I'm going to get it when I can, as per CCM.

By the way, I bet you were real popular in school with the teachers, bet you tattled on all the kids.

Running Out Of Work - zil95

[ In Reply To ..]
All the time, unless I get on at 6 a.m. and stay on til 10 p.m., there's no way to get a day's work done. So much for "business as usual".

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