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AcuTrans - Railroad Interviews - TN MT

Posted: Aug 02, 2012

Did anyone else test for AcuTrans recently?  

Yes, and I failed - nm

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I did too! - TN MT

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My corrected reports looked like a blue ink pen exploded on them. The harder I tried, the worse the feedback. :(

Ha! Mine too! It was a confidence crusher - nm

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Definite confidence crusher! - TN MT
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Relieved I wasn't the only one though ;)

Failed test - Marie

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LOL, I failed too! By the third test, I felt I was doing pretty good with it, but the directions confused me. It makes me feel a little better that I wasn't the only one!

I failed too. sm - Disappointed

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I was embarrassed to tell my husband (a railroader) that I had failed. Lol. I thought it would be a nice fill-in job. I agree with the poster who said the harder she tried the worse it seemed she did. That's exactly how I felt! Good luck to those who actually passed. :)

test - Former RR

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Was it a lot of railroad language? I worked for the RR for 7 years prior to becoming an MT. Would someone be so kind as to privately send me a contact email address? I will not divulge any information.

The RR is like the military in that they do have their own language. It took me a couple years to get what people were saying to me sometimes so without experience, I definitely would not have passed a transcription test. Best wishes to y'all!


AcuTrans - Caldera55

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It's hard to pass the test when the word, "that's" is corrected by the same thing, "that's" but with the apostrophe in a different font not available in Word 2007.

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