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Simple question regarding "exciting" changes to wage theft/pay plan. - sm

Posted: Feb 28, 2015

Are the latest "exciting" changes meant to help or hinder us, the MTs?

"Exciting" changes NEVER help the MT. - Its all about their own obscene profits.

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Only ones it helps ... Icahn and investors. Surely your question - was rhetorical? nm

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No, not rhetorical. I was serious. - sm

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I don't understand this latest twisteroo. Can anyone explain it in English?

Oh, sorry, you'll likely have to ask the utter geniuses that seem - to thrive on matrices.

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I'd love to hear their rationale.

Exciting Changes - SoFedUp2

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I am of the opinion that the changes are meant to hinder the MT. My TSM loves to say how "the team LOVES being rewarded for quality", rah, rah, rah. If it weren't so sad, that would be a laughable statement. Alas, that is how the TSMs like to spin it, though certainly it is not an accurate portrayal of what this plan accomplishes. If it were meant to HELP us, we wouldn't be penalized for leaving out or adding "the" or similar instances of "errors". If this company wanted to HELP the MTs, experience and loyalty would account for something. If this company wanted to HELP us, we would see REAL raises and not just a dangling carrot off in the distance that more often than not gets snatched away. Bottom line, the "exciting changes" are a pay cut. It really is that simple.

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