A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

If you don't like complaining posts on this board, don't read them. - Complain Away People!

Posted: Jan 23, 2012

An MT posting a complaint on this board is one of the reasons it is here!!!  If you don't like them, move on.  You do not have to read them, and you certainly do not have to respond.

While I do not agree with personal attacks on a board or anywhere else on individuals, complaining about pay, workload, or company practices should not be considered complaining, but very useful information, maybe not to all, but probably to some.

You work for a company who does not pay?  Name them and shame them.  Complain away!

I was upset when I had to do VR at 6 cpl until I saw posters complaining about being paid 4 cpl.  Thank you, I needed to know that.

Some MT complaints are very helpful.  It is a way to share and compare valuable information.  Yet I see posters coming on all the time with, "Stop complaining, leave the profession, etc."  Why does anyone have the right to tell someone else what they should and should not post?  I am happy in my job.  I vent occasionally, but do not complain too much because I have read these posts from other MTs who are complaining, and they inform me that most of the time the grass is not greener on the other side.

Please, just let people vent in peace.  You might learn something.  If not, no harm done.


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