A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

READ M*MODAL BOARD. - Someone contacted Erin Brocovich.

Posted: Apr 04, 2014

Another is inviting us to email her/him as well with specific information.  They advise to first set up an anonymous email account.  They are contacting lawyers and Erin B.  There are 2 separate threads on the M*Modal tab.  They want help from every MT out there.

contacted - molleycat

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm the one who contacted erin B. I hope you all can help. Nuance is even worse than mmoral from what I am seeing. I haven't heard back from her. Maybe she can't help me or maybe I don't have a case but at least it's a step in the right direction. I also heard a rumor that mmoral may be raising the quality percenage even higher than 99.7!

I don't work for the big 2 at least I don't think I do - but I have a laundry list of my own

[ In Reply To ..]
Of course, I can only speak of just my experience with my MTSO now. I worked for a way worse one before that too. I just wish all of us (unhappy) MTs from any MTSO could just all band together and form a union or something that says WE are the ones who says if, how, and when it's done and what we will be paid for it.


I think every MT, regardless of company (big or - small) needs to be contacted, -

[ In Reply To ..]
because even if they don't work for M*Modal or Nuance, they are absolutely, positively directly and indirectly affected by all the dishonest things these 2 big companies do. When the biggies cheat their employees and cut their pay, the small ones start doing it too, in order to compete. The other reason it usually ends up directly affecting MTs who work for the smaller companies is that more and more of those smaller companies are getting bought up by the biggies, and then they become direct employees of the biggies.

Regardless of who an MT works for, for the most part, their stories are all very, very similar. Harder work, longer hours, less pay, less benefits, more VR, less work in general, unpaid overtime, fictitious time sheets, dishonest line-counting software, getting dinged for nonexistent errors, ever-rising "quality standards", and offshoring. I think every MTs voice counts in a big way.

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