A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

WARNING: All posters on New MTs board read! - Moderator

Posted: Feb 23, 2011

When individuals are interested in becoming an MT, asking about where to get their training, etc., answer their question(s). 


Do not try to discourage them from the profession.  They have as much right to pursue it as anyone else.

The purpose of the New MTs board is to help and support and assist those who are wanting to go into the MT field, those who are currently studying or just completed studies.  These individuals can read and determine for themselves whether this is the right decision.

So, either give them the information they need or don't post on this board.  Support, guide, direct them but if you want to complain, whine, moan or be discouraging - go to one of the other forums to do so.



THANK YOU - No message

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Guilty As Charged... - MT

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I have to say, I'm guilty as charged, but I'm just trying to give a realistic view. Not everyone who decides to go into this profession knows what they're getting into, and mtstars seems to have been a place where we can be honest and informative, so people go in with their eyes wide open. Though, I must say, I'm assuming if someone has made the decision, they haven't limited themself to just this site.

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xx ...

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XX ...

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** ...

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