A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

everyone on this board needs to read this - sib

Posted: Mar 11, 2014

found the below link on google. seems MM-India (known as Cbay-India) employees are not very happy. same paycuts, cheating out of lines, no respect, management is the same as here; ect. make sure you read full reviews. on some they have a "read more." you will need to click on that to get full review.


Those are from 2 years ago - Old news

[ In Reply To ..]

MM India - sib

[ In Reply To ..]
do you honestly think anything has changed since then? the pot don't fall far from the tree. :) I don't mean for this to sound sarcastic. there is not a sarcastic bone in my body.

I do find this one a little troubling - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
There is nothing stated yet but the date is prior to the email we received yesterday. We are all intelligent people, and we knew this was going to happen, but it is rather fast. The fact that it is MM making the offer says a lot, more payment by production, offshoring work, and in the end still making no money.


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