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Editors: What percentage of your time is not compensated? - Angie

Posted: Apr 29, 2013

Trying to determine the norm for providing free work. I spend more time fixing dictator's demographic errors demographic errors and searching for data that should have been dictated than I do editing. I'm just wondering if other editors just note these problems for QA to deal with or are you also working pretty much for free? Anyone been fired for refusing to work for free?

I would guestimate at least 25% - I work for free

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Just sayin

That sounds about right. - anon

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Demographics can take a lot of time when you have to search by a name that is not spelled for you.

Also when you have to load preset headings but don't get paid for them.

Templates you have to search for and insert and don't get paid for.

CC's to docs you have to search for.

On and on and on.

Yeah, 25% sounds about right, if not more.

On average 25%+. But on a badly VR'ed report, - it an be as high as 50%. :(

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As long as we accept - being paid

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by the line, we can expect a lot of our work not to be compensated, plain and simple. What is surprising is that people still accept being paid like this since our line rate had plummeted in the last few years. The only way this will change is if they just can't find anyone to do it anymore, but I really don't think this will happen if it hasn't happened by now.

so true - so my question is

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what would it take for each of you - MT/QA - who gripe about not being paid for all the work you do to organize to make sure it does not continue? it really seems as though you all just need a place to vent and actually are truly comfortable with not being paid for all the work you do and with falsifying your timesheets. :)

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