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Now besides just getting our QA percentage marked off, - newbutold

Posted: Nov 30, 2014

our pay will be docked because we may leave out "a" or something along that line or not place a comma where they believe it should be.  Before it just affected our bonuses but not our actual pay that we get.  Now our pay will be deducted for every error that they deem that we make!!!  That doesn't even seem legal.  Even if you work at McDonalds and make a mistake they don't cut your pay and don't give me the crap about affecting patient safety.  Bull crap!!!  Yes there are errors that can be made and for that yes but not for these mostly stupid errors that they will now nitpick us to death.  Will be interesting to see how many of us will actually have to get MUP now because of this compared to before????  Think time to make my part time employer my full time employer

That's it in a nutshell - MT

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They have now taken full power by doing this. And will it be abused. What do you think. Has it been abused in the past. yes. History repeats itself. Now it isn't just the bonus. And no more ignoring those critical error e mails or ignoring Fiesa. This is their way of making people pay attention to Fiesa. The stress will double because it will mean being able to make any kind of money more than minimum wage. Now best to settle for minimum wage. Personally I do not work for minimum wage and I already told them that. They understood my concerns. Got a quick answer. Showed me the door. True story. This happened today.

Was your info from a TSM? - So scared...

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The thing that bothers me the most is the subjective nature of this plan. Who is the decision maker? If they see that an MT is making more than they'd like to pay, will they knock that person down a peg or two by "finding" or "creating" what they feel are errors?

They have the power now - newbutold

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They now have the license to do whatever they want. Sure you can request a reversal in FIESA but THEY don't have to do anything THEY don't want to do. That is why that statement was in there about qualifying for MUP They know that the majority of all their employees will qualify and they will have to pay it. They aren't stupid. They know exactly what they are doing. We will be dinged to death now. There will be no more bonuses given because no one will be able to qualify for this. This should be illegal to do to employees.

What? They let you go today for telling them that? - Im speechless...

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Am I the only one who caught what she just said? They told her they understood her concerns and showed her the door! That's heartless.

I am that poster and yes - MT

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I was told they understood my concerns and if I was uncomfortable that while I could stay perhaps it would be best to go. I was just asking for concrete rate in writing... no variables. That was the answer.
I'd be willing to bet that what they did was - NOT legal. nm.
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so true but....sm - confused

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but wouldn't it be really stupid of them to lower everything so most are making MUP? They hate MUP b/c usually when they pay it, it meant that person didn't actually type/edit for it. So why would they lower the pay so much we are all getting MUP? That looks so bad on a company. I know it can be so all can make minimum wage for their state and nothing more, but geez... that's looking bad on the company. Some say we can even collect partial unemployment b/c of all of that so this doesn't make sense to me. Has anyone tried to e-mail higher ups? The guys on our e-mails for this plan (CEO)? I might.

or how about wage and labor board? - confused

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anyone reached out to them? Once this new pay plan rolls out and we get more information exactly this might be worth while. With them paying MUP; however, it gives them a leg to stand on BUT to not have a set pay amount is not right.

It is production work. It is our choice to accept or not accept - what they are paying.

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JMHO, they basically can pay us anything we will accept.

Their only legal obligation is to make sure they pay us minimum wage.

And, I suspect anyone not making minimum wage will be performance planned, micro-managed and audited so much they will quit, or eventually be fired for not meeting quality standards and possibly production requirements. Those people will then have to fight for unemployment. Nuance will have all the documentation they need with their fancy programs.

My mom once told me life is not fair, as much as we would like it to be.

We can not control with other people do, but we can control what we do, and how we allow people to treat us.
If when this rolls out, it really does affect us as badly as we all seem to think it will, it will do no good to blame Nuance.

It is your choice to be their employee. I do suggest now is the time for everyone to seriously be putting out feelers and re-doing their resume.

Don't blame Nuance, blame yourself if you stick around and take it.

It is horrid. It is sad. However, the MT ship has sailed with the big MTSOs, and we just have to move on, hopefully finding life with a smaller company or another field even.

Also, JMHO, letters to higher ups will just give them something to laugh about.
Sad, but true, and those SBs will laugh no doubt. - They are heartless.
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I have been a hold out for too long. I'm in the process of getting things in order and will bail very, very soon when it is to MY advantage.
true- but...sm - confused
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My fear of staying in this field is every company has been bought out by Nuance or will be. No hospitals are hiring around here either. Ever. So, where do you go? If you go to another company and they get bought out by Nuance your screwed.
my 2 cents - sm mess
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Only you know what is right for you.

If the changes are not that bad, and you can survive, then let go of the negativity and accept you are where you need to be at this point in time.

Otherwise, get proactive - look at online classes. Think outside the box. What other area would you WANT to work in? If you are smart enough to be a good MT, trust me, there are PLENTY of jobs you can do with some training.

Change is not easy. It probably will require sacrifices. And yes, it sucks that we have to. But focusing and dwelling on the negative only hurts YOU. It does NOT bother Nuance (except maybe your TSM if you have a good relationship) at ALL.

But as I said in another note, it's your choice. And, if you decide Nuance is your best choice for now - then don't come here and read the negatives. Focus on making your situation as positive for yourself as you can.

I hesitate to say that because I believe Nuance will continually change things and it will never be stable or good again.. but if it works for you now, and is your only option, then figure out a way to make it work.

Good luck to you.

sweatshop transcription contract - Kline

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Is that what the contract says?
Did you sign a contract that says they can do this or are they pulling a tricky fast one?
Are they sending you style guides that tell you where they want commas? (I've seen people want them in the strangest places. Grammar rules belong to the signer of the check.)

Pre versus post - %

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I have always been told by my TSM that only the postaudits count...did I read that email correctly that this new compensation plan include jobs sent for review because of difficult dictator, questions or blanks, etc?? I know that the QC already goes through the reports and takes off for everything, but now it will count as to how much we are paid?

I am no longer going to take extra time trying to figure out what the ELSs are saying because I get zapped a ton for trying to figure them out--I am going to blank everything.

Reports sent to review for blanks CAN be post audited at their discretion. sm - Rude Awakening

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I had a rude awakening on that one. Supv had always said only post audit reports count in percentage. Then, I noticed one of my difficult dictators I had sent for review due to blanks show up as post audit. Upon questioning, I was told that yes, indeed, they can pull from anywhere for post audits including reports sent in with blanks for review. Of course, have no clue how this is going to play out in the future. Up until the point of my rude awakening, I had been getting the quarterly bonus often, not every quarter, but often. No more.

pre audit - wondering

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what I'm wondering is how there is anything to count off for if they're doing post audits on reports that went through pre audit; they pick them to pieces in pre audit; shouldn't errors found in those reports be counted against the pre auditors? Not meaning to stir anything up, just wondering.
From what my TSM told me... - star
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If you send a report to QC for blanks, they are only obligated to fill in the blanks, not audit the whole report. So, technically QA can pull a report that was reviewed for blanks only and ding you for any errors you made, even if the report already went through QC.

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