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Quick poll - QA percentage requirements - SeaMT

Posted: Jan 23, 2012

Is industry standard now a requirement of 99% accuracy for the usual employee review to maintain employment or (heaven forbid) achieve a bonus?

97%, 98%, or 99%.  Just curious.

I don't think so..yet - sm

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I know of one place that requires 98% to maintain employment and 99% to get the bonus, which is impossible on some of their accounts.

Where I work now, it's still 98% for both.

QA percentage requirement - elkomt

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Most places 98%, but higher for bonuses, some even require 100% accuracy for bonuses.

Q is 99%... NO BONUS THOUGH - flatline

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you mean, the bonus is you keep your job... - ha

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so lucky

My company requires 98% for production bonuses - Beentheredonethat

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at 9.3 and 10 cents respectively. Below 98% pay is 8.7 cents; continued poor reviews may require further intervention.

I think the bigger companies have moved to 98.5 to 99. The - smaller ones maybe not yet.

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Now in addition to price competition, TAT, etc., they are competing quality percentage-wise.

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