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BS! We could be compensated more - if we had less suits!!

Posted: Mar 19, 2012


OMG.. we are making more money by buying these - companies and paying you less

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That is all I hear!!! Help me understand more postively please cause I am very NEGATIVE right now.

They are hiring an expert to look into that - Sit tight!

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we have to do more studies and get back to you.

LOLOL! - nm

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Hiring experts to look into problems - BH

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Sounds like the typical politician that says "let me say this about that."

who in the world cares about our email system? - sure every question is a good question but..

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Im more concerned about compensation the heck with the email.

EVERYONE should have submitted the same question - WHERE IS MY PAY??

crappy email system..who cares.

I dont care why she chose to work here - cause above all

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She chose it for the fatty paycheck! Not to help us.

Some of us actually care about the email system, - even if it is further down on the list

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The email is painfully slow, and just downright archaic. For a tech company, they should be embarrased they make us use such a crappy system to get our mail.

I agree there are more pressing issues, but still glad they are at least acknowledging the suckiness of our email and "promising" to fix it (haha).
Email is my only means of communication - MMmt
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This is the only form of communication we have with the company. They talk so much about communication and improving it, yet they drag their feet and study and make it known to us it will cost them money to get an improved system. Being a remote worker, it is my only contact with the company, and they are sending me another message that I am not important, my contributions are not important, my voice isn't being heard. Wasn't that one of her opening remarks, to listen to our voices? Well avoiding our questions and continuing with this crappy email shows how interested they are in hearing anything we have to say. Task force? If it's anything like this conference call, our concerns will be swept under the rug, and they can pat themselves on the back and say what a great job they are doing at communicating!
Well not mine. I have a phone and my own personal email. - Could care less about their email.
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CCM never answers the phone - MMmt
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I can count on one hand the times I have talked to my CCM(s) over the years. I call and leave messages and they respond by email.
you are right MMmt - she made sure
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she told us how much it was costing for our e-mail system, didn't she? Makes sense now why we got the crappy system and they got a better one. They will spend more on studying whether to get us a better one than it would cost to just do it. I was actually kind of hopeful going into the meeting; those dreams were dashed fairly quickly.

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