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Did you ever change jobs and realize you made a mistake? - middleagemt

Posted: Apr 13, 2011

I recently left a company after four years because the grass seemed greener elsewhere, has anyone ever done this and then realized right away it was a huge mistake?  I feel guilty after the company has trained me and worked with me for almost two weeks but I am so miserable, any suggestions or advice of what to do?

Yes, been there & got the T-shirt. - s/msg

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I worked for many years in-house at a hospital. I wanted a change, wanted to move somewhere different, and the hospital had no at-home option. So I quit and joined a national MT company. Big, stupid, HUGE, GIGANTIC mistake! In the hospital, I used to bring home about $1250 per pay period after taxes. Now that paycheck has shrunk to around $500.

I did the same thing with a national MT company - lka

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but I came crawling back to the company I left, as at least there I had better pay and benefits, albeit boring just typing clinic notes for family medicine.

If you have a good relationship with the employer you left, I would approach them and see about getting your job back. Luckily for me, the person they hired to replace me had so many personal problems and was hardly there (this was after 6 weeks) and I got the job back. I originally left it because not much for pay increases and when I went back still did not get a pay increase, but at least I knew I could do the work and be in that "safe" mode financially.

Same here, left a cushy in-house position - to be home with my

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daughter. Worst career move I could have made. Lousy benefits, pay down 50%. Sure wish I would have stayed and just gotten day care on the school breaks.

Oh yeah...sm - Rainy

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Left an MTSO after 10+ years, then lasted less than 4 months at the new place, and 3 of those months I was looking for a new employer. You have been at this new place for only 2 weeks. Could it be just the newness of this job is making you miserable? Change can be hard. Historically, I always wanted to quit a new job within 2 weeks, always tried to give it a month, and usually ended up staying years. Sorry you are feeling this way. Good luck to you.

Don't think so - middleagemt

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I don't think it is the newness, just have been frustrated by being hired and lack of work. I have flexed almost every day, cannot work on getting my production up or getting real familiar with account specifics, in 2 weeks I have been training on 6 different accounts, but never manage to stay on any more than a few hours and then get moved again. When hired was promised a primary and a secondary, with plenty of work, now have 6 and of course all have different acct specifics. Just very frustrating and ready to leave. I really think after 25+ years it is time to get out of MT.

Ah, lack of work is different...sm - Rainy

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I am a single woman with a single income, so staying there would not be an option. Sure they spent time and money training you, but you are holding up your end of the bargain by trying to work by flexing (a pet peeve of mine) and taking on more accounts. BTW, I also have 25+ years experience and think it is time for a change from MTing. The hardest part is figuring out what I want to do. I really do hope things work out for you.

Yep, left a hospital job sm - Tiny

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to work for a smaller company. Big mistake!!!! If you know now you are going to be miserable see if you can get your old job back now. Yes, they spent time training you, but you are also on a probationary period and if they didn't think it was working out they would let you go, so you should have the same option don't you think?

I mean, are you going to stay somewhere where you are going to be miserable because you feel guilty? You only feel guilty because you obviously have a work ethic and I admire that, but, if it's that bad, you might want to reconsider.

Also, does it seem bad now because you are learning all new things? When I started my job 2 years ago I hated it. But, now 2 years later it does not seem overwhelming at all. There were many days when I thought there is no way I can keep doing this, but now I'm glad I stayed. So, really give it some thought.

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