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You do realize that - MT

Posted: Jun 02, 2013

Reports go through hospital/clinic QCs (not every report) and if they are not over 99% Nuance doesn't get paid. 

That is ploy to get more work for N. We shouldnt be - held to 99% standard due to SM

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the fact N will not make dictators dictate better. If N cannot deliver 99%, too bad, so sad. THere crazy marketing ploy does not become my perfect reports each and every time.

Perfection? Hah, should start with specs all laid out and indisputably enforced - Nowayjose

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To the extent that any MT or QC is assigned to an account that has a set of specs written as poorly as the ones we are "held accountable for" is the extent to which the CEOs need to rethink their entire HR "accountability review system." Like the rest of their obvious ignorant HR system of weeding out folks with STUPID unreachable goals, they should just kiss it g'bye!

You really believe that Nuance is - able to MAKE

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dictators dictate better?? Let me see...."yes, this is Nuance calling. You need to tell Dr. Smith to stop chewing in our MTs ears and start enunciating his words. He is driving our MTs crazy and this needs to stop immediately." hahahahahahahahahaahah Toooooo funny!!

I beleive N doesnt even try to educate Dr about how - to dictated so not so many blanks. nm

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Of course "N" doesn't "educate" the doctor - on how to dictate!
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What's the matter with you? Nuance is HIRED by the hospitals and clinics where the doctors dictate. Do you really think that it's Nuance's responsibility to train people? If you do, you're living in La-La Land. Obviously, you don't even have a clue.
Why shouldn't the facilities (via N's recommendations, if need be) - educate their dictators on best practices?
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Isn't that a win-win for everybody?  Better dictation makes for fewer errors and thus less liability, increased TAT, etc.  

I can't stand AHDI, but this was a great idea that they've apparently fallen down on promoting (or extending beyond M*Modal accounts), no surprise.  Encouraging better dictation practices is something that even the bean counters should appreciate.


99% or no pay? - sm

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You know for a fact Nuance is promising 99% accuracy or not being paid for it?

Yes, seems highly questionable to me. - To put it very mildly. LOL. nm

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Nuance complains over 99% accuracy? - try having 99.6%

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As MModal has just done, I am sure Nuance will soon have to follow. Yup, buckle up, 99.6% accuracy!!!

Well thats what they want but they aren't getting it - x

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