A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I made the awesome mistake of.......sm - LoveMT

Posted: Dec 07, 2013

deciding to check FIESA this morning.... REALLY DUMB DECISION!  I have just about given up doing correction reversals, especially since ALL of my post-audit QA is done offshore.  And most definitely now because they must've just hired someone off the street over there to do my post audits.  Seriously, there is 1 offshore QA person in particular who will consistently go through my reports and delete text that I have either transcribed or edited (correctly I might add) and put blanks (especially in vital signs, lab values, and medications) and then writes the comment "unable to understand" or "not clear."  Whatever!!  If I can hear it (and I'd swear that I have some hearing loss), then it CAN be heard clear enough to determine what the dictator is saying. 

I have many reports from post audit in the last couple of months done by this particular person and every single one of them are full of blanks that he/she just slapped in there because he/she wasn't able to clearly understand it or whatever.  At first, they were all in the same doctor's reports (an extremely difficult ESL doc), but a in the last week the blanks are popping up all over the place in American doctors' dictations/reports!  Like really?!? 

If I hear the word as plural and it isn't supposed to be plural, then I change it to make it correct....Then offshore QA gets ahold of it and changes it back and marks me off.  If I don't change the word from plural (as dictated) to singular (grammatically correct), then offshore QA changes it to singular and marks me off for THAT!  I freakin give up already!  I'm not even bothering sending the crap back for correction reversal anymore because it's not worth my time or headache.  Half of it isn't reversed anyway and I just wasted my time going through all the trouble of checking the damn thing, finding the correct account specific directions, copying those directions into the email, and requesting reversal for WHATEVER reason. 

My QC review accuracy score is 99% (all done by US).  My post-audit accuracy score is somewhere around 97% (all done offshore).  Good Grief!  You'd think that someone at Nuance would figure out that having offshore people audit reports done in a language and grammar that they learned SECOND just isn't working! 

I no longer give a flying squirrel whether there should have been an "a" in the sentence and I will blank every damn vital sign and lab value that isn't dictated with precise and perfect clarity from now on.  That should take care of just about every dang report!  Can't get a break with these people to save my soul!  Either not getting a bonus because I'm slowing down to hear every single little snort, cough, sniffle, syllable and STILL getting marked off OR I'm zipping through the easier reports at lightening speed to make up for being so slow on others AND I STILL CAN'T GET IT RIGHT ACCORDING TO THEIR STANDARDS!

Geez Louise! Stick a fork in me because I am SO DONE!

and then of course - you know what will happen

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you'll get dinged for leaving the blanks and they'll start saying everything is perfectly clear.

You just can't win!

The India QAs are paid on production, right? - The more "mistakes" they find,

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the more Rupees they rake in. No wonder it's a good middle-class job salary for those folks.

Now if WE got paid for all THEIR mistakes that we find, we all could afford to retire in grand style, someday.

So true!.....nm - LoveMT

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then of course - hypertyper

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You sure go that right!!! There is no winning unless you are wearing a suit and screwing the little people at this place. The odds are very carefully stacked against us!

All the time spent checking and submitting - reversals is unpaid. . .sm

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No more. I'm not looking at it anymore.

What if we all refused to go into Fiesa? What would happen? Refuse until they give us an hour of pay per week for checking the dang thing and spending time submitting reversals (which are rarely reversed anyway.

AND, when I send in a report to QC because of missing ADT, why, WHY do they have to proceed to go through the entire report with a fine tooth comb? Why?

Remember when we put in blank markers so QC/QA could go right to the blank in the audio because that's all they were listening to. . .just the blanks and just listened to and filled in the blanks? Remember? That was the purpose of sending the report to them. Fill in the blanks and move on.

Now it feels like, nah, nah I got the blank and you didn't. . .here's your ding! Awful.

say what you will about MModal - but they dont do that

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They really, really don't want you to guess. They would always prefer a blank to a guess and you don't get points off if you leave one. Also, if you send something to QA as you described, with a question about the ADT or a blank, it goes to one of the MMEs and that's all they look at, your question or your blanks, unless it's a 100% dictator.

I agree- MM is just not so bad - Content

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I have never received anything but helpful and correct feedback when I send one to QA at MModal. Nuance sounds like a pill!
Bad enough here that I am seriously thinking of applying at - MM. Ex-MM MT for 10 years. nm
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Definitely a hard "pill" to swallow most days too!....NM - LoveMT
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no message

That's how it should be....sm - LoveMT

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we shouldn't be penalized for submitting a report with blanks simply because someone else might be able to resolve that blank. It really doesn't make a bit of sense and is kind of backwards in mentality to penalize an MT for leaving a blank.

I never guess at anything. I will send it to QC with 15 blanks if the audio and dictator are so bad that I am not able to fully understand the dictation. I don't care if I'm penalized for it. At least I know that a U.S. based person with some experience under their belt is going to be the person who 100% reviews it, and at least I know I might actually learn something IF they are able to resolve whatever issue I sent it in for. I haven't learned a single solitary thing from the offshore QA audits of my work except that my temper has become shorter and shorter with each passing day... :)

I guess - you

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work for a different MModal than I do. I have been marked off for blanks. I have had things changed that shouldn't. I have had them add words that are not dictated.
if you're actually getting dinged for blanks - at MM
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not just having them filled in but getting points taken off, you need to discuss it with your QC. You should absolutely not be having points taken off for leaving a blank at MModal.

I've worked for both MM & Nuance and - WWZD

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MM is so very, very much better than Nuance. By the grace of God, I escaped Nuance before the FIESA hit the fan and I'm doing well at MM. No way I'd go back, but I still read the Nuance board for inside news. Not trying to turn this into an MM board, though, so apologies.

Basically, I would tell anyone to run screaming from Nuance, whatever it takes.

I know....When QC first started doing 100% review....sm - LoveMT

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I really wasn't all that enthusiastic and excited about having my report picked apart. But I do have to say this about the QC who review my work, they are all pretty fair. There is maybe 1 or 2 here and there that mark off over and over and over again in the same report for stuff like the words "a" or adding an "s" to a word when it shouldn't be plural but absolutely doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, and other crap like that. But, those are few and far between, for me anyway. Those really used to piss me off, especially if there was some snippy little comment left along with it after they 0.25 pointed me to death in 1 stupid job that was maybe 2 minutes long. Now, I just ignore them. My QC review are all U.S. people, and they are really fair for the most part, which is why my QC review accuracy score is 99% and the post-audit done offshore is 97% (HUGE difference there, right?). I guess I should be glad that both the U.S. QC and offshore QA aren't dinging me to death because then I might actually feel like I had regressed in my experience! :) At the very least, I know that I'm not nearly as "inaccurate" and "incorrect" as the offshore QA make me look in my FIESA scores. I really do think that the QA person or persons from offshore is/are just plain newbie(s). The crap that is being deleted from my reports and replaced with blanks is stuff that even a newbie should be able to reference from the content of the report and relistening to the physician and actually get right!

I'm not the one who will be needing a mentor for sure! That person offshore that is so magically qualified for that QA position NEEDS a mentor or a new position (like demoted to answering the phone!).

I spent nearly an hour one day just checking my FIESA and sending in 3 correction reversal requests... a whole hour and I had JUST checked the stupid thing 2 days before!

Today was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. We are being told that we "have to" check FIESA "every" day and that it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to go in, check it, and sign off and send any glaring correction reversals that need to be made... I say... Whatever! It takes a whole lot longer than that just to do the correction reversal requests, and I'm not wasting any more of my time doing that just to be told it's not going to be reversed for whatever crackpot reason they come up with at that given moment. It's definitely not worth my sanity, and THAT is about all I have left these days, LOL.

From this day forward, I will check it maybe once a week, sign off on any ridiculous corrections that drop my score low enough to have to sign off on it, and I will log out of it. The ONLY ones I will pay real attention to are my QC review reports sent in because I actually do learn something from those and they actually do help me with future jobs and specific dictators...about the ONLY positive thing I've been able find with FIESA...

I DO it, I get PAID...no B.S. SM - FedUP

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Bad enough we get slave wages for what we DO get paid for ... all this unpaid work, demographics, e-mail, phone calls, Fiesa, reversal issues, QA B.S, etc.

It seems we spend almost as much time with UNPAID work duties as we PAID ones. All the MTSOs can come up with is, "Uh...well... it's part of the job".

Time spent on reversals - Monamet

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So true! I think that is a great idea, we should all refuse to do it. They are nuts to keep giving us more "unpaid duties" and expect us to do it. Isn't that against labor laws? Who in the hell do they think they are to tell us to do anything like this that we do not get any compensation for? I thought that is why labor laws were created in the fist place! It just blows my mind to see the incompetence of management at this place. They can't even manage themselves let alone others!

The only thing I worry about - with not checking

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Is do you think the QC/QAs know you never check it and then realize they have free reign to get THEIR bonuses and totally trash your score?

I do think they would certainly ding MTs much more lavishly if they knew no one was going to call them on it and they have to know after awhile who that is.

That's my only issue with not checking.

lovely nuance - jme

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I struggled with Nuance for about a year and to hear everyone elses comlaints, makes me feel justified. I have been doing transcription for 16 years and for the first time ever, in my life I do not have a job! It almost seems like they work against each employee to belittle them until they make you feel like you don't know what you're doing but in reality, we were transcriptionist long before that company even existed. My team leader had the nerve to call me an "old school" transcriptionist. If she meant a trascriptionst that used to make 42,ooo dollars a year compared to 18,000 now.....then yes, I'm old school and I'm not going to work for minimum wage! I'd rather sit and draw unemployment until I find a company that deserves me and my respect, which they did not!

lovely nuance - hypertyper

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You are not alone. They definitely do try to beat us down. I feel like I am working in India instead of the US. That is exactly what is going on, they treat us like we are workers in a third world country with no labor laws or workers rights. She is so rude and ignorant to make such a comment. You are right, unemployment is better than this bullshit any day of the week! They make me sick. It's a wonder no one has shut them down yet. Their day is coming and I hope I am around to see it when they get theirs.

Mistake - hypertyper

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You are sooooo right! We should all REFUSE to check FIESA. They CANNOT tell us what to do on our own time/time off or away. I will NEVER allow them to get away with that. It is not going to happen, no way, no how!! This is total B.S.! We need to band together on this and tell them exactly where to stick FIESA.


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I don't believe you and I work for the same company.

BUT, I will tell you

I have worked as an MT, then QA (and a very good one!) for over 20 years. NO ONE has EVER complained about the quality of my work, UNTIL NOW!

Since July and August, I almost CANNOT get an Audit score above around 98.4-99%. (We do require 99.6 at my company, I guess you know who THAT is now)

I was wondering who is doing my QA feedback, I believe it is the Offshore staff. (Some of the names given on my Audited reports I have NEVER heard of, I was wondering if they are bogus). Also, I wonder if some of them are actually falsifying my work so that it comes up sub-par. I listen VERY CAREFULLY to the work, Patient' name, etc and I don't know where they are getting some of these errors!

I am looking for another job currently, but with the job market like it is, it might be a while!) Also, Christmas is not a great time for that!

I hear ya! - Dinged Again

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I swear they go in and look through every report done until they can find that error that will drop the quality so low in the gutter, especially an error that I KNOW for I fact I did not do! If I have to get 3 part-time jobs I will just to get out of this hell hole! I hope the CEO chokes on his 37 million dollar salary he paid himself!

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