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does these numbskulls that dictate not realize, or not care, - wannie

Posted: Feb 04, 2013

that we work on production.  When they start to dictate why can't they have their ducks in a row and just dictate?  Why must they sit and scroll through computer screens or a paper chart?  It makes me want to scream.  Ten-minute dictations that produce 30 lines is totally ridiculous, but until the hospitals and MTSOs stand up for us and put a stop to it, it will keep happening.  Okay, I'm through now. 

They dont think about us at all. - nm

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We are non-entities to be bullied and mistreated - by every cog in this wheel of misfortune called MT

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my 2 cents - Snow Bunny (the original)

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It's not the dictator's job to know or care that you're paid on production, any more than it's their job to know or care if the dietician has placed an order for salad greens and bread.

The problem is with what the industry has become. It's became "the standard" for payment to be per line: "That's how we bill, so that's how we pay." It also keeps things honest with people who work from home. If a service has a 250 lph requirement and somebody happens to be an incredibly fast typist and can do that in 38 minutes, once they reach their quota they can surf the Internet and play computer games, 'cause they're paid per hour. (it happens all the time in companies)

Many are justifiably irked (okay, I'm putting it very nicely) at the ways things have ended up. I can't think of another industry where the requirements for the job have gone up while the earnings have gone down. There's a lot of finger pointing here, and I think everybody is 100% right from THEIR perspective.

Bottom line ... you can't change THEM, just yourself and your own situation. When you hit rock bottom and have had ENOUGH, then you'll get out of the industry, like I am.

I agree with - SB (to)

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This is a bed we made for ourselves when we decided that piecemeal was the best way to get paid, and back in the day this might have worked well.

Nowadays even workers who sew garments in Bangladeshi sweat shops have more control over how much they get paid.

The workers have to stand up and put a stop to it... the MTSOs and hospitals don't care because they are getting most of the work done for free apparently by fools who are willing to do it.

well....how do us workers - "stand up and put a stop to it?"

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this is the dilemma that eludes most of us who want to make a change. We don't know how...and those with any ideas at all, usually get beat to the ground with negativity. So what are your suggestions??

as with any issue of importance - Snow Bunny (the original)

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How did the issue regarding breast cancer reach the capacity that it did? How did it reach the point that nearly every facility is a smoke-free environment?

It has to start with YOU (and that applies to everyone as individuals). Do it and then talk about it with others.

Think of it in terms of finding a program which will help increase your line production. You use the product and pass the word around. Those who wish to jump on the bandwagon will. Those who do not, won't.

MTs need to stop applying to companies they know utilize VR. If they are currently working for one that uses it, start looking elsewhere.

sleeping in one's bed - Snow Bunny (the original)

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Actually ... and I'm going to get killed for this ... the problem was too many MTs priced themselves out of the industry. I spoke with many MTs over the years who had private accounts and they were charging 15 to 18 cpl. Their justification for charging that was that the doctors NEEDED them. Sorry folks, but that was not the case then and it still is not. As far as the hospitals are concerned, MTs kept pushing the "knowledge" issue so that's what is expected now ... BUT ... just 'cause you think you're worth that line rate don't mean that they do.

That said ... until all MTs (and I mean every one in this country) refuses to do VR, it'll continue. Just close your eyes and imagine the result if that happened.

Ghoulishly delightful. (g)

nobody is going to "refuse to do vr" anymore - than they will try to unionize or

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not work for a few days, to teach the companies how valuable we are. Nobody will do anything, because even though the jobs suck these days what with the pay, the vr, and offshoring to other countries to save a buck or two, nobody is going to stand up in a united fashion and try to change anything. It is not the MTs fault who were asking for and getting paid better line rates a few years ago. They did not stick us into this lousy economy. The did not create the technologies that are being sold to the poor naive doctors who all they hear is "save money." Don't blame the MTs for any of this. It's not their fault. and if you honestly think that, then you are on the wrong end of the stick lady!
I definitely agree that it is too late to - reclaim this as a viable
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job anymore and don't really care because I am near retirement and doing other things already. However, I do maintain that even when MT line rates were going down, MTs continued to accept work at 7 and 8 cpl (now apparently even 5 and 6 cpl) even though we all knew that part of the high line rates were to offset all the unpaid work we do.

No matter how fast one actually types, there are always going to be times when hands are off the keys doing something else, and lately, for me at least, that seems to be more and more of the time.
finger pointing - Snow Bunny (the original)
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Yeah, I will point the finger of blame at both the former AAMT and the MTs from years ago ... Modesto for pushing the skills on the MTs for imposing those skills on the doctors and then demanding compensation for it. No different than a car salesman forcing you to buy a Lexus when all you really want or need is a Dodge.

Unless you hung out in the forums I did or went to the same meetings I did, you don't know what I heard. I was drowning in egos. I also spoke with a good many doctors who ultimately switched to Dragon BECAUSE of what they felt was the excessive cost of getting their dictation done by MTs. So, I stand by my personal knowledge and experience.
These were the days of billing 12-15 cpl and having the capability of transcribing 300-350 lph, very easy to do if you've got a lot of standards. Do the math. You're looking at billing the doctor AT LEAST $36.00 per hour.

Please don't tell me that MTs from years ago aren't part of the problem.

No they don't - and

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they never did. This is not a new phenomenon. Get used to it. It's physician arrogance at its worst and it's unlikely to change.

Just as I dont think of the driver who takes produce to - grocery store, they dont think of us. nm

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They are too busy! - CrazyKat

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It isn't that they don't think of us on the other end. They are just so loaded down, patient after patient, they just want to get their dictation done and be on their way. Not saying that is an excuse, but it is part of the reason. Have you been to the hospital lately and stopped by a nurse's desk or the hospitalist or ER department? These doctors are so stressed. Most docs are now "employees" of the hospital, because of malpractice insurance is sky high, and they have to meet a daily quota, etc. etc. Not many solo practices any more, except maybe orthopedics who have 10+ docs in their practice. They are trying to make a living with more and more pressure put on them.

The reality is that the entire healthcare industry stinks!

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