A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

back from vaca only to realize... - twistedMT

Posted: Aug 10, 2010

Wow I knew I hated my job, but it is much worse than I thought.  Though I have my resume out to find another job and I pray every night to find one, I feel as though I'd rather be without a job than to continue working for this company which has definitely sucked the life out of me and has taken away my ability to earn a decent living.  How does one work 93 hours and only take home 500 bucks...oh yeah by working for the Q, that's how.  Take an 18 year employee who started out making more than the minimum wage is now and who was able to increase her income because she was an excellent employee only to find out that 18 years later they want you below the bottom of the barrel!!!!  This company will survive because there will always be someone else to do the job, but I'm getting extremely close to just saying to heck with it all and let someone else get paid 3 cpl to train those outside of this country.  I spend so much of my day full listening the ILP reports that  cannot make any money doing anything else...it's stupid, idiotic and I .....oh i won't even bother going on, it makes no difference.  No amount of emails to the higher ups, crying to the CCM or anything will change this awful job.  Thanks for reading!!!

I know the pain, not sure how much longer I can take - this entire industry

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it's a trainwreck and a toilet bowl all in one.

Hehe, I'd rather think of it as a train wreck IN - a toilet bowl! nm

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hahaha that's what I really meant! - good one

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Jobvent Is the Website - SillyRabbit
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It is jobvent.com. The companies can be found alphabetically and through their search bar. Medquist is there. Spheris is there and Spheris India is there. Same sentiment on every post.

More than reading - Understanding

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People who have not experienced this kind of unfairness and targeting have no idea what this is like. Your health is at stake, also. I never thought I would live to see the day when after this many years the yearly income would be cut in half or lower. Add to that the ridiculous hassels about vacation time, sick, etc. and it completely sucks the life out of you. I wish you much better in the future.

I don't feel like I am being targeted, but do feel the same way, - looking for a new profession

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same as me - had eough! NM

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I hear ya. Every day... - Angelina

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when I log in I find myself hoping I've been fired. How pathetic is that! I know I'd really be worse off if I was but I still find myself hoping anyway.

I am actively trying to find a different job but it's not so easy in my area. Until then, I keep plugging away.

The Abuse has got to STOP,***** - SillyRabbit

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This is sounding more and more like covert economic and psychological warfare against U.S. citizens. However, the Indian transcriptionists are faring just as poorly. Go to jobvent.com and look up MedQuist and Spheris. There is an interesting post from an MT in Spheris India as well who refers to their pay practices as 'looting'.

This is simply theivery. I have no more respect for the people who determine my pay than I do any strong arm robbery street thug. My payors are, in fact, of a much seedier low-life variety because they disguise themselves in what they think is a cloak of respectability instead of a ski mask.

The so called Americans in a position to stop this, but go along with it for the sake of a six-figure salary are traitors. These grifters are going to find out that what goes around comes around and their gravy train is soon to run out and they will know the desolation we have experienced only it will be six or seven figures more severely.

PS: I hope they can deal with the financial loss like the rest of us have had to. I sincerely hope they don't start jumping out of windows when their fortunes crumble. That would honestly sadden me.

Cannot find that website. Looked at so many - on jobvent, but not from India.

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Can you post the website? Curious to see what they have to say. Thanks.

So it is all company greed then.

How could India be happy? I know they - anon

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probably have a lower cost of living, but they are getting really taken advantage of also; they just don't seem to have many other options.

Not me - SM

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God help me, but I lean on the side of fairness. I am one who sympathizes with the victim. They know what they are doing, and if they deliberately and knowingly continue with the same practices and financially ruin families to line their pockets, they deserve what they get.

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