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Anyone refused to type a doc for ethical reasons? - Ihatebeinginmt

Posted: May 05, 2011

Because I'm about to refuse to start typing a certain GYN oncologist, the little butchering, castrating, &*()(* that he is, has anyone else done this?

Anyone refuse to type a doc for ethical reasons? - Ihatebeinginmt

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Because I'm about to refuse to type a etc, etc, geez I better read my posts first!!!!

If you hate it, quit - You ARE an MT

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If you hate it so much, why do it?

Your job isn't to judge a dictator, it's to put their words on a page.

Do it or don't. Really is a very easy resolution.

I refused in another field. You either live your - convictions or betray them. Questions

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of "ethics/morality" typically arise when acting on them might cost somebody something, and then the usual answer is they can be ignored if money or being unpleasant at a party is involved. Nevertheless, either way you choose you'll have plenty of company.

No, and would never refuse because I don't agree - with his/her (insert whatever here)

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To each his own, but I think that is a bit holier-than-thou ridiculous.

That may sound holier than thou, but clinical - ihateblahblahblah

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personnel ARE allowed to do this, even to the point of refusing to work with certain doctors. So why not us?

She asked if we would refuse - not if it should be allowed

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Of course you/we can refuse to do any work, and if your conscience dictates that you cannot type words on a page, don't type words on a page.

I wouldn't refuse either.

no but there are a couple of co-MTs I refuse to work with for ethical - reasons. TISME (nm)

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So worried about what others are doing...then 'wah' at paycheck time.

I think I can infer what procedure you are - talking about SM

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and, if I am correct, this is a legal procedure in our country. If you feel so strongly about this, find a job at a hospital that does not do this procedure. Spend more time on your own business and do your job.

Really, you are makiing the report - for the patient, not the doctor.

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Get over yourself and do your job!
right I'll get right on that. - but thanks anyway.
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I have no idea what 'procedure' you are talking about (small message) - you are not making sense to me

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I'm talking about those who spend time manipulating the computer system/hospital platform to mainpulate others, see check on what or how many they are going, cherry picking, skipping and the like - with the work as a whole. Ths usual unethical practices that take time away from typing.

have no idea where you are coming from.
my job is perfect.

SM - you answered as if talking to TISME and - I responded inproperly because of that.

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MODERATOR, people are responding under the wrong post - and it is becomeing a prob. HELP?
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Response - SM - Moderator
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It doesn't happen often. The only thing I can do is delete the post out of line which I will not do unless it needs to be for other reasons.


we are allowed, but I haven't done it.....sm - Tiny

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Where I work we are allowed to refuse a report for personal reasons. I know a woman who refuses to type for a doc because a close relative died on the operating table under him. Some women cannot stomach doing anything having to do with child abuse issues or domestic violence. I suppose this could be considered ethical reasons. I myself have a hard time with reports having to do with people with mental handicaps who are in distress, but I don't refuse to type them.

No, but had a couple of situations where maybe - I should have - sm

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One was a guy who kept yelling obscenities into the recorder directed at whatever MT was transcribing. A lot of "fu" and some sexually harassing comments, all came completely out of nowhere. I am able to avoid him by just waiting until someone else took his job out of the queue, so I am unofficially refusing to transcribe him.

Another doctor isn't so easy to avoid as she dictates long reports most MTs at my company don't want, so they skip her. Also, she's crazy, I think. She once clearly said that a patient was committing violent crimes and planning more. There were plenty of details, so I don't think the doctor was exaggerating. The doctor then said they didn't want to be "on the hook for that" so "just delete those comments, MT." I didn't know how to report it or if the state I was working for even allowed reporting it, if it would violate HIPAA, etc. Ended up just sending it to QA. Would love to be able to refuse to transcribe her stuff, but I know my company won't allow it.

reply - OldTimer

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Docs swearing and using obscenities while dictating especially if directed to the MT is uncalled for and in most if not all case not allowed. I am surprised your management did not read him/her the riot act and make him stop. That's ridiculous and should not be allowed. No one deserves such abuse.

Or just assign it to somebody like me. The worse - somebody is, the more unabusable

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I am. I just figure there's something wrong with that person.

Also, coarse or vulgar language? Whatever. However offended someone might choose to be over it, coarseness is not a moral issue and transcribing it not an ethical issue. Personal word style is like vulgar or inappropriate clothes--they may send some observer off into a pet, but that's it. Now, spreading malicious gossip with any word style--that's immoral. Following an employer's order to alter a report to hide injury done to a patient--that's highly immoral, no matter how refined the language used to perpetrate the crime might be and no matter how much we might be paid to do it.

agreverlying, OTimer, but you'd be surprised how many people in mgmt won't - approach a Dr. about ANYTHING.

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scawwy. and bet this buttbutt is not easily told his shoe is untied...tyrantical and all.

I would just get over it and do your job. you are not helping - by taking it personally.

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what are you, chronic victim? he is not speaking to you personally. Yet you get all bent out of shape and then do something that is disruptive to everyone in the workflow - it's called cherry picking. Avoiding the worst is the same as picking the best, just another form of sticking it to others.

He's blowing off steam. Someone has to be the grown-up here, might as well be you. Ignore the crap and get on with it.

abortion H&Ps, op notes, etc - OldHand

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I won't type the H&Ps for this. I won't be a part of helping to make this happen. If the anesthesiologist refuses to anesthetize the patient because there is no H&P on the chart -- well and good, maybe she will change her mind. (However, usually one of my colleagues, knowing how strongly I feel about it, has typed the H&P.) I will transcribe op notes and discharge summaries because I believe there does need to be a record of what has happened, and if the mother does come to regret what she has done, and later carries a later baby to term, that op note/discharge summary dealing with her TAB could become important for the health of the baby or the mother. But, I don't want any part of my living to come from this, and I give that money away either to an organization to help pregnant women or sometimes to a pro-life political candidate.

That's ABSURD. It's not your place to judge that - patient, or to sabotage her care!

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Would you want someone to try to "force" you to have an abortion if you didn't want one?

Then why do you think you have any right whatsoever, religious beliefs or not, to try to force another person not to have one, if it is HER choice?



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I have the right to make moral judgements regarding my own behavior. I will not do anything to help make it possible for an innocent defenseless human being to be killed. I have had my own crisis pregnancy and I know there is always another way; I have walked in those shoes.

Because something is legal, doesn't make it moral. And by the way, the law gives me the right to refuse to participate in any way in an abortion (or participate in any other act that I regard as immoral for that matter.) I make no bones about this at the time of my employment interviews, if this is unacceptable to the hospital, they do not have to hire me (I have never not been hired for this reason, incidentally.) I am certainly not alone, I have known more than a few hospital-employed MTs over the years who have refused to have ANYTHING to do with these reports. I in fact am more liberal than some, because I will transcribe op notes and discharges.

you'd be fired on my watch. It's not your place to pull that card on your job. - you are only to judge yourself.
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Why do you work in healthcare? - Disgusted
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These attitudes make it hard to consider some of my fellow MTs healthcare professionals. If you were a nurse working in the ER and a woman came in after having had an AB would you refuse to help care for her?

I am just absolutely disgusted by the lack of professionalism. And we want to be thought of as educated professionals? Really?

You have walked in those shoes? You couldn't possibly have walked in all of those shoes. You've been a 12-year-old pregnant with her father's baby? You were beaten in an alley and raped? You were gang raped and don't know who the father is? There is no way possible you've suffered every single scenario that could possibly lead to electing an AB.

We're never going to be taken seriously as members of the healthcare team with these archaic attitudes. We have absolutely no idea what lead the patient to that decision. Thank god these attitudes are at home doing nothing more than typing the reports and not in position that is supposed to provide care and compassion to a patient.

YES -- and I won. - (sm)

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I was working on a weekend at our local hospital. Jerk doctor was using racial slurs to describe an African-American female patient (using the "n" word and stating things like "she must be from Memfrica" -- which he referred to Memphis as -- Memfrica). I replaced it with "African-American" and completed the report. He called about 2 hours later and said that wasn't what he said. I told him I realized that but I wasn't going to transcribe such a obscene and needless phrase. He threatened to have me fired.

So, I went to the console, pulled up the completed job, recorded the voice twice on 2 microcassettes, put one in my purse with a copy of what I transcribed. I took the other microcassette and a copy of the report and walked over to the doctor's lounge in the hospital. When I walked in there were about 8 doctors sitting there (all men) and I threw it at him. I told him he could use the "n" word all he wanted in his dictation but I would NEVER transcribe that. I also told him that if thought threatening my job because I didn't transcribe that was going to make me do it he was wrong. I then told him if I EVER heard of him using that language to describe patients or anyone else here that I would call the ACLU and the NAACP immediately, provide evidence to them, and the local media and request an immediate press conference and play it for them.

No one said a word. I walked out and went back to my office.

Never heard a word about it. A few weeks later, he was gone.

Good for you! - ihateblahblahblah

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I would have done the same thing! I've never personally had that happen, but I've heard about others who have.

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